"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."-Joshua 1:9
The way the field of business operates at present continues to delineate in morals. Relatively, for the sake of profit and earning more apart from the base rate of expected profit within a specific span of time. In a way, higher authorities in business have learned little-to-huge ways of earning here and there through assets manipulation. True to its sense, the words of 2 Timothy3: 1-5 regarding the changing attitude of humans continue to manifest its trueness at present. This is the reason why it is often times considered to be difficult to remain clean and untouched from these particular wrong doings in the field of business operations. This is especially true when it comes to operating under the conditions of development dedicated to defining the marketing-management approaches of a particular organization.
The scope of marketing management includes managing the finances and other resources dedicated to creating effective marketing presentations to promote the services and products that an organization offers the market. Managers are given the chance to operate alongside the capacity of utilizing a distinct amount of money to work with. Understandably, there are several instances when temptations come into the picture and remaining clear from immoral works of corruption and dishonesty is somewhat a hard course to take. Most likely, remaining a Christian who has clear conscience from such actions is a tough challenge to take. At times, this even becomes harder when the situation becomes focused on remaining under the direction of a crooked authority in the organization.
Remaining clear from acts of doubtful business operations is however a matter that God has commanded his followers to specifically avoid. Hence, he has given a loving support for those who want to have clear name in accordance with such rule of honesty and integrity. His words in Joshua 1:9 reminds keen followers of his rules to never be discouraged nor fearful of what might happen to them in the hands of man for God remains in their side as long as they continue following his commandments even at the hardest points of challenges they may meet in life. Relatively, it could be understood that God never leaves those who trust in him and those who are loyal to his words. Remaining upright in the middle of forsaken operation in business industries is indeed a challenge; but God never leaves behind those that are remaining under his care and assistance.
What of the ones who are managing the business as owners? Another aspect of Joshua 1:9 specifically identifies well with the given capacity for each individual owner of business organizations to become more dignified especially when it come to determining the condition by which they handle market competition with great integrity in relation to moral standards that the Christian way of living upholds. For instance, in the field of marketing and management, business organizations dedicated to upright Christian rules will not be scanty when it comes to being challenged in presenting marketing campaigns that feature sexual promiscuity, social norms that do not inculcate Christian values and other common marketing features in the market at present. Being strong and courageous in remaining within the lines of how Christian businesses ought to handle such responsibilities relating to promotion and campaign is a challenge that could be won by every operator and/or manager specially if trust in God’s guidance is intact. Being fully guided by God’s word even in the aspect of managing the developmental factors that defines a business’ capacity to remain competitive in the middle of ill-operations of other business organizations is a challenge to those who want to uphold Christian values in their lives; and God does not fail in providing the assistance such loyal followers need.
Free Faith Integration Paper: Marketing Management Essay Sample
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Business, Management, Christians, Marketing, God, Commerce, Organization, Market
Pages: 3
Words: 650
Published: 03/30/2020
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