I believe I learn best through:
Taking short notes during study
Taking quizzes related to the topic learnt
Reading in a quiet place
Test results
First Test
Linguistic 42%
Visual-Spatial 42%
Intrapersonal 56%
Interpersonal 81%
Musical 31%
Bodily-Kinesthetic 58%
Naturalistic 33%
Second Test
Excellent EQ
We are impressed! Congratulations on your exceptional EQ! If you scored in this range, there is a slight caveat however. You are either extremely high in emotional intelligence or extremely low. How is this possible? These results may reflect your high level of self-knowledge or a lack of it since you must be self-aware to assess yourself accurately. For this reason, self-awareness is the foundational competency of emotional intelligence. You may want to seek clarification from a peer, co-worker or family member to validate how they feel you respond emotionally when you are under pressure. You’ve either made it to the top or have a long way to go.
If it turns out that your Emotional Intelligence is truly quite high, we recommend you attend the more advanced programs in our Performing Under Pressure training curriculum: Performing Under Pressure: The Three Conversations of Leadership and Performing Under Pressure: Doing Your Best When it Matters Most. These programs will build on your EQ and give you insights and tools to perform at an even higher level – being able to drive accountability and have more influence in your organization ("Emotional Intelligence Quiz Results", 2016).
Third Test
Score: 14/20
“Not bad. Your score means you're slightly better than the average at reading expressions. And research suggests that people can improve their emotion recognition skills with practice” ("Excellent EQ | IHHP", 2016).
The surprising part about the test is the EQ test which yielded an excellent result as I expected, but what was surprising is that this was said could be indicative of either extremely low or very high emotional intelligence. I had expected the result to be more definitive than that. The first test closely indicated my ability as I had perceived them; however, I expected a higher score in Linguistics than what was given.
I am a passive individual and a sanguine. These traits make me a more observant person who is slow to react; this makes me more in touch with other people and improves the ability to perceive their emotions and thought processes. This is in line with my score on the third test which indicates that I am fairly good at reading people’s emotions and determining meaning from their body language.
My passive behavior is making score poorly in the intrapersonal and naturalistic score. I should work on becoming more assertive to help me be more in touch with my thoughts, stand for what I believe and interact with people more effectively. This will help improve my emotional intelligence and improve my self-awareness. Being assertive will also help me reach self-actualization since I will manage to work on my goals.
Emotional Intelligence Quiz Results. (2016). Greater Good. Retrieved 16 June 2016, from
Excellent EQ | IHHP. (2016). Retrieved 16 June 2016, from