It goes without saying that the times we live in today, the social media has emerged as one of the leading communication and interaction channels for not only individuals, but for organizations, both small and large, as well. Long gone are the days when businesses had to rely solely on lengthy press releases and newsletters to interact with their audience. Now, businesses can interact with their target audience in an instant through social media tools such as blogs, social media websites, and even videos. Therefore, since the social media has garnered so much amount of attention, it is a given that businesses that know their way around it benefit a lot. However, by the same token, businesses that fail manage the interaction process carefully, have to pay. The amount of exposure on the social media is such that even a single mistake can become viral, and prove to be immensely damaging for a business.
The fact, however, remains that no matter how strong social media controls a business uses, there is bound to be an error here or there at some point. In the article, the author states how Chrysler once tweeted that nobody could drive properly in Detroit. The truth is that a lot of times, companies do not quite know how what they say will be received by the audience, so PR disasters are a given. However, there are a number of ways, as the author states, by which companies can overcome PR disasters successfully. The author firstly describes what PR disasters are like. During the article, 5 terms have been used to describe the disasters. These include the inappropriate opinion, the insensitive statement, the early release, the false reward, and the hack. (Zachary Sniderman, 2011).
On the whole though, the author covers all there is to Social Media PR disasters. The article highlights the importance of the Social Media in the digital age, and that it is necessary for companies and their marketing efforts to make full use of it. As such, any mistakes made on the Social Media need to be taken seriously. However, since the Social Media is almost head to head with the traditional tools of marketing when it comes to effectiveness, companies should make it a point to limit the number of mistakes made as they do when it comes to the traditional tools. This will reduce the need of corrective measures, and increase the effectiveness of Social Media marketing campaigns even more.
Works Cited
Mashable. (n.d.). Mashable. Retrieved February 28, 2014, from