Project One
Hiring decisions
An executive search is usually carried out when a position falls vacant in a given company. The purpose of this search is to find the most eligible candidate to fill the position. A couple of hiring situations present ethical dilemmas for human resource managers. One such situation is that of using social media.
Employers today use candidates` social media profiles to check whether they are suitable. What an applicant says on social media is a reflection of who he or she really is. However, evaluating the potential of a candidate based his or her status updates and photos disregards an employer`s ethical responsibility to avoid setting a selection criteria not related to job performance.
This leaves many employers in a dilemma since social media is a platform where suitable candidates can be identified yet some hiring managers do not welcome this move.To solve the dilemma, I will ensure that all parties involved in the selection process are prevented form carrying out unauthorized social media searches for a candidate`s name. This will curb the problem of unintended bias on the side of everyone involved in the hiring process.
Instead of using social media, I will follow the correct steps of hiring. The steps are recruitment, preliminary tests followed by selection. At the recruitment stage, I will appeal to potential job applicants using both print and electronic media. After receiving all the applications, the candidates will be called upon to do aptitude, personality, enthusiasm and experience tests. These tests check whether a contender is fit for the job.
Based on the tests, successful applicants will then be subjected to a panel of interviewers. These interviewers will be unbiased and transparent. I will then email successful job applicants informing them that they have been hired.
Project Two
Scenario One
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offence. It endangers the life of the driver as well as other drivers and pedestrians on the road. One of the emloyees is charged with this offence as a human resource manager, I have no choice but to treat such an offence with seriousness. In that context, I would consider what the legal penalties are for the perpetrator and ensure that he goes through the full prescription by the law. However, after undergoing due punishment within the criminal justice system, I shall not extend any such punishments to his area of service as that would amount to double jeopardy which the law does not anticipate.
First I will ask for a test sheet from the authorities. This sheet contains all the evidence that the employee is indeed guilty of the act. The items that I will look out for include a breathalyser test, circumstantial evidence such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech,unsteadiness of feet, abusive behaviour noted down. Upon confirming with the authorities, I will summon the employee to my office. The employee will have to defend himself before I make any decision. After hearing his side of the story, I will suspend him for a few days to deliberate with other managers.
Based on the worker`s track record, I will reinstate him if it was his first time driving under the influence. If he has been caught in such an offence on more than one occassion, I will have to ask the company owner to decide whether to fire or retain him. This approach shall be pursued in appreciation of the need for due dilligence and precaution. Having the full knowlegde that a company employee is a perenial driving offender, it demands more that just giving warnings.
Scenario two
Proper finacial analysis is key to a company`s success. Incompetent finacial analysts cause great losses. Therefore, the finacial anlayst who does not carry out her duties well ought to be disciplined. As her supervisor, I will assist the employee. I will advise her to be competent and dedicated to her work. I will remind her on the importance of accurate finacial analysis and find out whether there is an underlying problem to her sluggishness.
The problem could be an issue she is curently dealing with. If she admits that there is indeed a personal issue, I will listen and counsell her accordingly. If she feels that she cannot share the problem I will respect that and refer her to the human resource manager.
As a human resource manager, I will write a memo to her. I expect her to respond immediately so she will come to see me. If she has a personal problem, such as a bad breakup, I will let her take the day off and return the next day ready to do excellent work.
Scenario three
Embezzement of public funds is a serious crime. Employee X will have to face all the consequences. This is because all the evidence is out there and there is a news print to that effect. I will remind the employee the expectations of the company and ethical issues. After that, I will advise the Chief Executive Officer to fire the employee based on the charges.