Yes. My opinion is that third world immigration is a threat to ``America’s way of life”. My reasoning is linked to the fact that the immigrants impact negatively on the social and economical way of living in America. For instance, we find that the immigrants from ``third world “are very fertile thus end up giving birth to many children thus impacting negatively on the economy because the government has to raise its budget to cater for the large number of children. An increase of the budget is linked to the fact that basic education is compulsory in the United States and is offered freely in public schools. Provision of ``free basic education” explains why many immigrants take their children to public schools and the reason behind critics that America is not offering valuable education especially in schools that are established in the states where most immigrants are living.
In addition, I believe that`` third world immigration” has been impacting negatively on America’s culture. Cultural change is attributed to the fact that when immigrants arrive in the United States, they settle in areas where people from their regions have been settling in the past. The effect therefore, is that they form their own way of living in various states to promote their culture and traditions thus weakening the United States culture which is responsible for uniting the people of America because it promotes nationalism of their respective countries. Nationalism is evident from the way immigrants term themselves as having dual citizenships rather than embracing America’s citizenship.
Moreover, the weakening of the culture is also demonstrated where America allowed immigrants’ children to be taught in their`` native “languages, in public schools located in the states where immigrants are living. The application of ``native languages” in teaching is due to the fact, that some children immigrants are very poor in English and can barely write or speak it thus making their learning difficult. In my view this form of education especially in the first years of elementary schools promote ``ethnicity and racialism”.
Furthermore, I am convinced that third world immigration is causing many losses in America in regard to tax. Tax losses is attributed to the fact, that in America, most employers pay lower wages to immigrants compared to the citizens a fact that is facilitated by the fact that the immigrants need to earn money to cater for their basic needs. The payment of lower wages results to less tax being remitted to the government.
The foregoing statement implies that American citizens who are willing to provide the services offered by the immigrants are competing for jobs with them. This is because most employers will prefer immigrants because of their cheap wage thus impacting negatively on the economy of America thus making it hard to secure jobs for Americans.
In conclusion, I believe that third world immigration has been impacting negatively on America. Some measures to curb it are being enforced, but the problem is still there because the immigrants have been developing ways to evade being caught by the authorities .The measures are necessary because they help in safeguarding the interest of America in the future against some of the`` impacts of third world immigration” such as overpopulation and scarcity of resources.