Since leadership is inspiring, a charismatic leader is not only an asset for improving organizational performance but also an added-value. By changing a company's strategic direction, an inspiring leader represents a corporate asset of value beyond financial quarterly returns. Leadership is apt to make higher ups re-appraise an existing organizational situation by reshuffling functions into new structure suitable for a new leadership breaking away with established rules.
Transferability of leadership qualities is debatable. Specific qualities (e.g. charisma) appear to be non-externalizable (i.e. cannot be identified and measured and hence inability to transfer) whereas other qualities (e.g. delegation) are not. However, current organizational context is witnessing a "relaxation" of work: more flexible job roles, flat organizational structure, innovative workplace layout design and more diverse communication channels (e.g. social media).
Instead of being a manager's job, one should identify metrics for measuring leadership qualities, regardless of job role. Leadership metrics gain more significance as leaders become younger and more geographically diverse. Leadership is everyone's job. The crème de la crème of leaders are ones assuming supreme leadership not by sheer corporate ladder climbing but by showing outstanding abilities in leading leaders in inspiring strategic moves, if not changes.
Multiple Questions
In your position, you serve on committees with people from outside your organizational units and attend professional meetings. These are expectations for Mintzberg's interpersonal role of Liaison.
Research on trait theory has not identified a list of traits that guarantee leadership success.
For Henry Mintzberg, the way that a leader handles a disturbance is characterized as a decisional role.