ACTIVIES: Abnormal Psychology. Please complete all activities and include these with your final submission.
In order that you can answer the essay on this area you will need to structure your introduction. First of all you could look up the definitions of abnormality and normality in the dictionary. Write these here:
Normality is the state that is characterized with normal behaviours that in turn opposed the factors such as deviance or unusual conditions. The normal behaviour is consistent when aligned with other behavioural practices of that individual .
American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). Arlington: American Psychiatric Pub.
Abnormality is underpinned with such behaviours that are responsible for violating societal norms which in turn is maladaptive in nature and is considered rare in terms of cultural and environmental context . The individual who is presented with abnormal behaviours may encounter distress in daily life.
American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). Fifth edition ed. Arlington: American Psychiatric Pub.
One suggestion is that you then make notes on the definition of abnormality so that you can open your essay to the idea that abnormality is a debatable concept where not one definition captures fully its meaning.
Please complete the following:
Durand, V. & Barlow, D., 2012. Essentials of abnormal psychology.. Sixth edition ed. Boston: Cengage Learning.
Thoits, P., 2013. Self, identity, stress, and mental health. In: Handbook of the sociology of mental health. New York: Springer, pp. 357-377.
Rosenhan, D.L. and Seligman, M.E.P. (1989). Abnormal Psychology. Second edition. New York: W.W. Norton.
Activity two
In relation to the evaluation of the model outlined in the learning materials: Research ideas of your own please complete the following table.
Scaturo, D. J., 2001. The evolution of psychotherapy and the concept of manualization: An integrative perspective. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32(5), pp. 522-530.
Shedler, J., 2010. The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 65(2), pp. 98-109.
Activity three
Hemsley, D.R., 1993. A simple (or simplistic?) cognitive model for schizophrenia. Behaviour research and therapy, 31(7), pp.633-645.
Fox, E., Cahill, S. and Zougkou, K., 2010. Preconscious processing biases predict emotional reactivity to stress. Biological psychiatry, 67(4), pp.371-377.
Morsella, E., Wilson, L.E., Berger, C.C., Honhongva, M., Gazzaley, A. and Bargh, J.A., 2009. Subjective aspects of cognitive control at different stages of processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71(8), pp.1807-1824.
Activity four
Butcher, P. and Pfeffer, J.M., 1986. The behavioural approach in medical practice. British journal of hospital medicine, 36(3), pp.209-215.
Sih, A., Ferrari, M.C. and Harris, D.J., 2011. Evolution and behavioural responses to human‐induced rapid environmental change. Evolutionary Applications, 4(2), pp.367-387.
Zosuls, K.M., Miller, C.F., Ruble, D.N., Martin, C.L. and Fabes, R.A., 2011. Gender development research in sex roles: Historical trends and future directions. Sex roles, 64(11-12), pp.826-842.
Activity five
Hasler, G., 2010. Pathophysiology of depression: do we have any solid evidence of interest to clinicians?. World Psychiatry, 9(3), pp.155-161.
INSERM Collective Expertise Centre, 2004. Psychotherapy: Three approaches evaluated.
Zentall, T.R., 2002. A cognitive behaviorist approach to the study of animal behavior. The Journal of general psychology, 129(4), pp.328-363.Activity six
Relating to the effectiveness of the treatments and therapies: From the models explained in the learning materials and research of your own please identify in the table below, the disorders, the treatment / therapy and the effectiveness of the named treatment. (You may have the same disorder but different treatments).
American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). Arlington: American Psychiatric Pub.