The bible is the world’s bestselling book and the most read all around the world. People buy and read the bible for various reasons but the main one is for inspiration. The knowledge and wisdom found in the bible makes most people develop a desire for more information. However, most people do not get enough of what they desire from the bible simply because they do not know how to go about it. Others have considered the bible to be a complicated book as they are unable to connect events and understand it. It is for this reason that many authors, such as David Thompson have come up with bible study guides that are aimed at helping people enjoy and understand their bible study experience. In his book, bible study that works, Thompson gives us some insights on how to get enough from bible study.
In the first chapter, Step into the inductive bible study, takes us through an analysis of what an effective bible study is. A person needs to understand how to go about the whole issue of bible study by finding the right strategy that will ensure the study is effective. In the second chapter, get the basis straight, the author takes us through the basis that are required before one embarks on the real study. It is important for the individual to know the meaning of bible study and the inspiration behind them wanting to study the bible. There is also the issue of bible translations that most people ignore when studying the bible. A person hence needs to be specific about the bible version that he or she desires to use. This will depend on many factors that include the language that is most suitable for them to understand. There are some bible versions, which may not provide the reader with adequate information on what they require due to their translations.
In the third chapter, Look before you leap, the author cautions readers against reading the bible just for the sake of it. There is a big difference between reading and studying the bible. A bible study reader will not only focus on a specific verse or chapter of the bible, but desire to find a connection between different scriptures and books. A reader hence needs to read the nibble in context by seeking to know what happened before a certain book was written, the connection between different characters mentioned in the passage and the relationship they share. Studying the bible in units will also give the reader time to analyse the scriptures and hence being able to see how they connect and relate with other biblical scriptures. Having units also helps a reader to set targets, which makes the experience more interesting.
In the fourth chapter, Ask questions and find answers, Thompson mentions about some of the questions that a person ask himself or herself as they study the bible. Many a times, such questions pass our minds, yet we never make an effort to find answers. Different people wrote the bible, at different times and from different cultural backgrounds. It is hence easy for a person to get lost in between and not even find a connection. Asking questions such as what the characters are talking about and why it happened in a particular place will create a curiosity for a reader to find out more information. Noting such questions down should prompt a reader to study the bible deeper by relating such similar events and finding their answers. Understanding the context under which the bible was written and even the cultural practices of the people will make a reader know what is relevant and what is irrelevant. Understanding some of the symbols used will require one to dig deeper into culture of the time and understand how they relate to their present environment.
In the fifth chapter, Let Jesus be the judge, the author brings about an important point that should never slip the mind of a bible study reader. The bible is a book that was written by different people as the Holy Spirit inspired them. The secret of getting the best out of a bible study is to give credit to the author, Jesus, by letting him be the sovereign judge. Thompson notes that the bible has a lot of historical information, yet it is not a history book. It is hence wrong to approach a bible study specifically to find some information and live out the spiritual inspiration that it was designed for. This implies that as one reads the bible it is important to pray and even as God to grant them a divine revelation of the scriptures.
There was no better way to summarise the book but by encouraging readers to Live the word. The bible offers practical lessons that a person can learn and use to live a worthy Christian life. The best way to remember and know that the bible study is bearing fruit for an individual is by living the word. Applying the principles that have been laid down in the bible and seeing them work for an individual will motivate them to read more of the bible. On the other hand, when an application has been done after reading the bible without success, a believer will be able to ask questions of why it did not happen. Continual study of the bible will help them know and realise where they missed out. A person needs to know how a certain scripture applies to their individual life and what affects those around them. As such, principles are exercised; one is able to discern the truths that are in the bible and hence growing in wisdom and knowledge.
Thompson discourages bible study readers from using manuals as a guide to their bible study. He instead encourages them to study the bible individually and get its basics. Using manuals and even relying on them is likely to make them lose sight of the revelations that are in the bible. People, who have read the bible, hence giving an interpretation basing on how they understand the bible, write most manuals. It is good for each individual to read the bible and get direct revelations from the Holy Spirit, rather than basing on another person’s revelations. It is in fact interesting to read a scripture and understand it in a way that nobody has ever explained it. We all have different needs that make us understand scriptures differently. If a person wants to derive specific inspiration from the bible, then it will only be beneficial if they read it for themselves, as they put into practice the points that have been noted.
Thompson, David Loren. Bible study that works. Evangel Publishing House, 1994.