The Ramayana has various characters that represent particular event. One of such characters is Rama, the seventh avatar of god Vishnu. He is a representation of virtue and strength and is hence considered the favorite of the king’s sons. The fact that he is the next heir of the throne threatens his older relatives who request him to go for exile for at least fourteen years. The other significant character IN Ramayana is Tita who is the wife to Rama and a kings daughter. She is the epitome of beauty and considered a goddess (Buck & Triest, 110). Apart from her beauty, she shows such love to her husband that she willingly obliges to going to exile with him. She is also displayed as pure and virtuous, a character that was significant during the time. She is abducted until when her husband rescues her by fighting the demon king.
Dharma and karma are the representation of good behavior in the Ramayana. This is revealed through various characters who dedicate themselves s to a life of righteousness to obtain the ultimate good. Rama realizes what is good for him and the society and makes a decision to go into exile instead of having to face death. His wife acts as a submissive and loving partner who follows her husband to exile (Buck & Triest, 84). She also maintains her purity, which is tested, on her return to exile. Despite some of the evils that were done against the characters, they acted wisely to ensure they were not fighting. They had an understanding that as long as they live in accordance with the laws of Ramayana, the gods will revenge their enemies on their behalf. Their character was maintained under such an assurance.
Works cited
Buck, William & Triest, Shirley. Ramayana. California: University of California Press, 2000.