With the high speed development of technology, internet is reaching today users who can connect from different parts of the world. The rapid explosion of the internet also contributed to the development of the information system, available within organizations in the business world, which allows for complex processes to occur, emphasizing the productivity of companies (Stroie & Rusu 228). Nevertheless, it does come with threats and risks. The information system’s security can experience various threats or risks that need to be attentively coordinated through risk assessment and risk management procedures, hence, security risk management becomes an increasingly significant instrument in the nowadays business environment.
Key words: technology, internet, information system, organizations, risks, security risk management.
Thesis: The rapid technological advancement comes with significant benefits for the business world and for communities all around the globe, joining people from different corners of the world into working together or socializing, yet, it also comes with challenges, under the shape of risks, known formally as security risks that threatens the information system in various ways, which need to be coped with security risk management strategies.
- Knowing the security risk management objectives for properly coping with the risks and achieving unthreatened performance.
- The risk management intervention depends on the type of security problem or threat that an organization deals with.
- Knowing the security threats and risks allows for a viable assessment or the identified risks and for a firm strategy to cope with the security risks (Ackerman 40).
- Organizations should venture consciously in risky activities, knowing what to expect from the risks they are dealing with (Wheeler 21).
Works Cited
Ackerman, Tobias. IT Security Risk Management: Perceived IT Security Risks in the Context of Cloud Computing. Darmstadt, Springer Gabler. 2013. Print.
Calder, Alan & Watkins, Steve, G. Information Security Risk Management for ISO27001/ISO27002. Cambridgeshire, IT Governance Publishing. 2010. Print.
Stroie, Elena, Ramona & Rusu, Alina Cristina. “Security Risk Management – Approaches and Methodology”. Informatica Economica. Vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 228 – 240.
Wheeler, Evan. Security Risk Management: Building an Information Security Risk Management Program for the Ground Up. Mason, Elsevier. 2011. Print.