The journal article “Managing change in the delivery of complex projects” by Jenifer Whyte describes how asset information is increasingly being used as a deliverable of multifaceted projects involving mass data through digital technology (Whyte, Stasis, & Lindkvist, 2016). The author argues that various research indicates that digital technology ensures the realization of speedy and flexible project organization. She identifies a research that examines ways that various companies such as Airbus and CERN manage change. The research findings indicate that these companies, among many other companies, depend on digital technology in the management of mass data in addition to the use of configuration management (Whyte, Stasis, & Lindkvist, 2016). The research incorporated various research methods such as interviews, visits, cross-case workshop and reviews that were mainly desk-based.
This journal article relates to project selection and justification, scope management, an organization of tasks, project life cycles, phases and project management techniques and tools in various ways. First, the article starts with describing the role that digital technologies plays in project delivery citing project selection and justification as one of its roles (Whyte, Stasis, & Lindkvist, 2016). Digital technologies assist in ensuring effective generation and storage of information that is used in the making of project selection decisions and its justification in digital form. The article relates to project life cycle where it indicates that digital technologies ensure the project utilizes asset information in various stages of the lifecycle to achieve a safe and sustainable performance in a complex project that involves a huge mass of data. The article also highlights the challenges facing project management, especially on tools and techniques that are faced with heavy formalities (Whyte, Stasis, & Lindkvist, 2016). It identifies the use of software projects that use agile forms of management as the solution to this challenge.
The article contains very beneficial content that relates to various aspects of project management such as project and justification, and project life cycle. This information helps one to identify important roles that asset information play in the different aspects of project management.
Whyte, J., Stasis, A., & Lindkvist, C. (2016). Managing change in the delivery of complex projects: Configuration management, asset information and ‘big data’. International Journal of Project Management, 34(2), 339-351.