Promotional strategy of G-Tyres Germany is designed to reach the target market with maximum effectiveness. Elements of promotional strategy that we are going to use include advertising, sales promotion and publicity (Agarwal, 2009).
The main goal of advertising is to inform the target market about the product. Therefore, this aspect of promotional strategy will be executed through radio advertisements, placement of billboards, and context advertising on Internet, because these mediums are considered to be the most successful in reaching car owners (Kaser, 2013). Billboards will be placed near roads with intense traffic to reach as many drivers as possible. Radio advertisements will appear on the stations that are most popular among drivers. Context advertising will be outsourced to a third-party service provider that specializes in Internet advertising.
Sales promotion is short-term, and aims at boosting sales as fast and effective as possible by offering the customers special incentives to buy the product (Rogers, 2001). Considering that tyres are our main product, and the majority of them are part-worn, it is important to reassure customers by offering guarantees and refunds, and additionally stimulate purchases by providing discounts. Apart from tyres, G-Tyres Germany will also offer some diagnostics and maintenance services. Consequently, offering bundles with different combinations of products and services with special prices will also be an effective incentive.
Publicity is the final element of G-Tyres Germany promotional strategy. Generally, it is a not paid stimulation of demand and improvement of brand awareness executed through publishing news, messages and announcements on different media channels (Jain, 2010). In the case of our company, those channels will include company’s web-site, social media pages, and specialized forums.
AGARWAL, R. D. (2009). Organization and Management. 28th Ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
KASER, K. (2013). Advertising and Sales Promotion. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
JAIN, A. (2010). Principles of Marketing. New Dehli: V.K. Publishing.
ROGERS, C. S. (2001) Marketing Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing.