Innumerable endeavours to fight against domestic violence are often seen to be hindered by the various myths associated with the topic of domestic violence. These myths have been evolved partially because it is highly difficult to construe the reason behind one person hurting another hurt another, particularly specifically in the context of a relationship as intimate as a marriage. Myths typically offer imprecise information related to the incidence of domestic violence, and most such myths are almost common all over the world.
Culture and traditions are often believed to be offering the required strength and reinforcement to both families as well as individuals alike. The culture in which a particular individual is raised in, serves as a major influencing factor on the beliefs, norms, behaviours, as well as the way in which one deals with various problems that he/she might face. While the fact that cultural values and traditional beliefs strengthen family relationships, they might also create several hindrances while working with victims of domestic violence. In order to be successful in working with a victim of domestic violence, it is highly important to understanding the culture and belief systems of that person because cultural considerations influence the way in which that particular individual responds to domestic violence. For instance, the culture and tradition in India is that marriage is for life and irrespective or how bad and abusive a partner (husband) might be, the wife would not easily get out of the relationship and walk out of wedlock as freely as it happens in the Western world.
The video stresses upon the importance of being in a healthy marital relationship as not being a health marriage, it would surely have a ripple effect in a number of ways like the physical and psychological health of the persons involved and a number of other societal troubles. A few reasons for divorce to happen, as specified by the panel in the video were compatibility, selfishness, family interference, lack of trust, and selfishness among others. According to the panel members, a healthy marriage actually begins much before the marriage actually happens.
Ahmad, M. I. (03 February 2015 г.). Marriage, Divorce & Domestic Violence [PANEL]. Получено 03 March 2016 г., из YouTube:
Colorado Bar Association. (2010). Cultural Considersations in Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence. Получено 03 March 2016 г., из Colorado Bar Association: