Question 1: Briefly describe the background and Purpose of the research Study.
The main purpose of this study is to help the Taiwan military determine the current situation of affairs in the country and enable them to make current reforms necessary for the future of the country. Personally, I am doing this research basing all information to the current and future security affairs of the Chinese (Taiwan) military. Through this, I will get information from the public, and measure what they prefer. By doing this, the military alongside the government can easily project the future of situations in the country.
Question 2: Describe the procedure to be used and type of data to be collected
The participants in this research study will be required to fill out questionnaires which seem to be a very efficient method of primary data collection. Upon completion of questionnaires that will be distributed around, the participants will be asked to hand them in to the research supervisor for filtering of the needed information.
Question 3: What Measures are to be taken in the study? Provide a brief description and include a copy of the review
Many steps are being taken in this study to ensure that our participants are totally secure. This is because the information that will be collected will be contained in a very secure location far away from the unfilled questionnaires themselves. Moreover, the questionnaires will not have any identifying names on them. Lastly, data will only be accessible to researchers and supervisors. Others will be locked out from seeing the research results.
Question 4: Describe any potential risks to the dignity, rights and welfare of human subjects
The supervisors and investigators in real sense perceive risks for their participation in this study. Human Intentions are rarely perceived in such situations. Some participants may feel that they're subject to oppression by giving information regarding their privacy which can result in the safety of the investigators.
Question 5: Procedures used to obtain informed consent of the subjects and the feedback given to participants
Participants of this study will be granted the opportunity to view the results from this research study. This will be done by ensuring that they are allocated specific dates and times to see the primary researcher of this study. Moreover, they will have to receive a summary of the results from the principal investigator.
Question 6: Will Participants be anonymous
Question 7: Safeguards used to minimize the risks
Question 8: Participants and Recruitment Procedure
The participants needed in this research study will be required to report at the Taiwan Military Base Station. They will get interviewed to ensure they meet the competency required to participate. That is, the linguistic nature of any individual will necessitate for one to participate. Also, good conduct will be an essential character. Lastly, age will be considered, and one must be 18 years and above.
Question 9: Economic consideration for the participants.
The participants of this study will not get paid to participate in the research study. Mostly we will encourage volunteers and their time and presence will be highly acknowledged.
Question 10: How much time will be required for the participants?
The participants involved will not need so much time to fill in the questionnaires. It will only require at least 10 minutes for each, and the research study will only begin after the IRB approval.