In Radio interview with The French geophysicist Xavier Le Pichon on fragility and evolution of our humanity, some issues were identified. The lesson that fragility is a fundamental and vital in the human evolving systems has been identified in the interview. In the interview with Krista Tippet of American Public Media, Xavier Le Pichon identifies that geophysics in the science world readily gives out answers to any object in the universe. Hence the human evolution aspects as witnessed in the motion of the intercontinental plates. This led to the learning of the lesson of how the earth works. In addition, this leads to the inclusion of religion, ethics, and ideas that helps a human being progress quite well in life.
On the aspect of Fragility & the Evolution of Humanity Xavier Le Pichon explains that, misery and suffering are ageless. The lesson leant is the fact that, human beings welcome suffering in their lives and they see as a sign of humanity. In addition fragility and vulnerability are embedded within our human societies. Hence being human simply understands what I believe to be important of our own species.
In the article Ecce Homo by Xavier Le Pichon the notion concerning the importance of being weak is highly emphasized. In this view, the system that is too rigid does not need to evolve. Hence weakness is important in the bringing of evolution and development in the society and within families. Hence defaults help in the commotions and get rectified through revolutions.
Lastly in the video lecture of Kant and the Supreme Moral Motive, Emmanuel Kant an influential philosopher rejects utilitarianism. Hence the notion that each individual has certain duties and rights that definitely takes precedence and maximizes utility. Hence the essence of doing good every time is the basic concept that defines our moral worth.