Sorrentino’s picture explains the current Rome, in three styles. Rome is set out as a mindset, city or a system of belief. This film places itself in a position of an immediate successor of master pieces that are impeachable. The film can be described as a fête of vignettes that have loose connections and have a setting in all parties during nights involving jamborees and congresses, religious in nature. Interestingly the faces of the revelers are tight despite being old. The new age that is evident from the faces is a result of plastic surgery .Sorrentino reflects the revelers as feast and the ghost.
Despite the fact that the great beauty film involves a scene that strikingly presents Mr. servillo’s character as one that rests on a cliff, sorrentino in his view of Italy says that it represents a country where all people fell asleep instead of being a country that everyone would take part in determining direction of the country. Sorrentino agrees that the situation he describes may be a drift but chooses to focus on the negative, which he represents as a sleeping part.
Jep Gambardella is a boy whose age is best seen as pensionable. He is the eye in the storm and made a reputation with a novel written in 1920’s that serves as a master piece accommodating the literature evident in the Italian setting. Jep decides to find meaning for his life. This happens in a setting of a surprising Rome that also appears to be full of mystery in the sense that people lack proper direction of their future. Jep, which is the main character gradually makes discovery of beauty in the empty life full of sinners. One this follows a boring night that jep spends just inside the sheets of egocentric boring woman, who is very rick. Millan, the rich woman represents a dedication that jep wants to attribute his life to in order to find meaning of life. The main character decides to adhere to a very quiet life. However this position of living a quiet life turns to be something overambitious that the situations and circumstances on the ground cannot propagate. Jep, being forced by the circumstances has to reconsider his priorities. This represents a period of time when a stripper comes to the rescue of jep and allows him to determine the personal beauty. The ex-husband to jep,s first love who is portrayed as a bizarre magical character will soon help jep to discover his own great personal beauty.
Toni, a regular collaborator plays jep with his face that is wrinkled. Jep is very inquisitive and is compared to a market and he appears full of smiles in nearly every circumstance in an enigmatic manner. It is important to make recall of Mastroiannis Marcello’s inky-fingered that reveals itself in the film.Sorrentino goes a step ahead to give jep thick-rimmed pair of spectacles that are intentionally meant to assist in driving the main point of the film. The great beauty’s suit, strong as it is, is not a product of subtlety. At the beginning of the film, jep is involved in celebrations of his birthday photographs of the skyline are taken by a Japanese tourist after a very eccentric prelude that injects a cheerful mood. The tourist takes photographs just before collapsing due to overdosing due to the splendor of the place. At the penthouse of jep, which is just opposite the coliseseum, a social gathering takes place at the terrace on the roof. This function makes caligula’slivelier appear like a small dance of tea, one which sorrentino utilizes to blind everybody by music.
The following day, jep is at the bedroom staring at the ceiling. The ceiling begins to swell and ripple, the swelling is comparable to that of a wide ocean, and blue in color. This is an image that might have also taken shape just after the previous night. Intermingling of the past with the present occurs at this stage. There is a mix up of dreams and realities and/or memories. Jep takes time to reflect on his life that has by a great portion been city life. He realizes that most of the time, he has involved himself in searching on rooftops and between the gutters for something he describes as la grande (belleza), meaning great beauty. Jep’s returns are mainly a collection of decadence, hypocrisy and triviality.
The next character that we meet is a cardinal who is well respected. This respect makes the cardinal secure a good chance in becoming the probable next pope. Interestingly the ell-respected pope has nothing much to share other than tips on cookery. The cardinal defends the cookery tips in a way that reveals them as good and makes jep to make a record that illustrates the best procedure for pan-frying duck. After few minutes, a nun in the company of a priest walks into a palace, haute and cuisine. The two orders a vintage champagne bottle. This represents an incidence of a sacred profane as if there is a kind of metaphysical collider that sorrrentino wants to reveal. Some of the most devotional music that is also stirring is featured by in the soundtrack.
The question that comes from the film is whether the great beauty can stand in the open city of Rome. This seems to be a question that can only be determined after a half of a century. It is believed that after such a long period, theoretically the situation could be evident.
Works cited:
Sorrentino. "La grande bellezza - MY movies." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013.
"BoxOffice® — The Great Beauty." BoxOffice® — The Business of Movies. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013.