Geographical and cultural settings say a lot about a film. The geographical setting of a film is usually in line with the theme and plot of the film. Geographical settings are used to make the audience relate more with the film. In addition, it gives the audience an idea of time setting of the film, the location of the film, the cultural setting on which the film is based upon and the influence of the geographical setting in that particular culture. The setting of a film is the first feature to be achieved in coming up with a film.
In the film the fast runner, the geographical and cultural settings have the same purpose. The film is set in the 1000CE in the lniut community. The community setting is based in shift camps. The community is headed by an informal leader who controls the operations and life in the whole community. The throne is hereditary as the leader in this community is replaced by his son after his death. Also in this social setting men have a great superiority over the women (Turan, par.3). The women are supposed to honor their men. The community wholly depends on hunting and gathering. Hunting is the most important activity in this community and the main source of food. According to Anderson, men in this community have the mantle of hunting under their duty (par, 3). Apart from this social and economic setting, the community has deep religious beliefs which play a significant role in the film.
The religious setting in this film is based on the belief on spiritual forces. This is witnessed when Oki the community leader is placed under a curse after taking a rabbit that was under a spell. This religious setting was significant in the plot of this film since the casting of this spell led to him being overthrown from his leadership. The strength, might and evil spirit of Oki was only weakened by the use of special spiritual forces. The influence of this religious belief also impacted the cast. The fast runner believed more in gods than any other thing. He always believed that the gods had appointed him for a special purpose in his community and it was his duty to accomplish it. His skills on ice and speed were characterized as anointed features from the gods. This belief was part of the plot that the fast runner was indeed the savior of this community. However, the manifestation of these cultural beliefs could not be practical in the real world. These cultural setting is outdated and the modern century is far much civilized to hold such cultural beliefs.
The religious beliefs vary depending on location, race and religious affiliations. In the real world people still have deep religious beliefs. There are still people who believe in the power of other spiritual forces. For instance, some African indigenous religions believe in the power of anointment by rituals. Such religions also have religious heroes whom they believe have special touch from some spiritual beings. However, with civilization such beliefs have been weakened as people have become much stronger and only believe in reality. This does not enable the real world to hold such significance to such cultural and religious beliefs.
The film the fast runner also has an outstanding geographical setting. The film setting is at the arctic. Vast lands covered with snow and hills and valleys. The scenery in this setting is beautiful, white lands and few trees covered with snow (Gauthier, par. 4). The geographical setting also has low rising horizon that is seen at a distance. This setting is the same as the real geographical representation of the real arctic region. The real arctic regions have thick snow and it is evident in this film that there is no other form of movement rather than the sledge. Men in this community use sledges driven by bogs for movement across the snow. This is evident when Oki is in pursuit of the fast runner. Oki opted for the dog driven sledge since it was the only mode of fast transport. Additionally, the arctic snow regions have wide gaps in the land covered by the snow. This is also evident in the film. Atanarjuat came across one when he was escaping from Oki (Turan, par. 4). This is evidence that the real geographical system of the arctic region is well incorporated in the film.
The geographical system of the film is also incorporated in the plot of the film. Firstly, the cultural and timing setting of an Indian community was very well suited in such a geographical setting. The snow was used to show how movement was not advanced in the days of 1000CE. The geographical setting was also incorporated when the plot reveals the stamina, strength and the speed of Atanarjuat (Anderson, par. 6)
Works cited
Anderson, Jason. Review: Atanarjuat - the Fast Runner. Eye Weekly. 2002. Print.
Gauthier, Jennifer. "Indigenous feature films: a new hope for national cinemas?" CineAction. 2004. Print.
Turan, Kenneth. Review: Atanarjuat the Fast Runner. Los Angeles Times. 2002. Print.