Authoritative leadership creates boundaries, in the line of human interaction and understanding. Such power encourages result-oriented concepts rather than holistic-approach of issues. Consequently, workers’ rights are violated such as freedom of expression and decision-making (Tomey, 2009). Subsequently, workers experience stress as pressure is mounted on their work output. Consequentially, capabilities of workers are severely exploited such as cognitive power and physical strength. Contrary, workplace should adopt a democratic leadership where employees’ freedom and opinions are respected. Such a leader integrates team-work through adopting transparency, trust and integrity among workers. Communication skills are paramount because they create aspects of mutual understanding and respect between employees and managers (Michael & Jean, 2006). More so, democracy motivates subordinates to adopt viable culture in the nursing field (Bustillos, 2012). Contrastingly, Laissez-faire leadership incorporates maximum freedom in an organization. Such leadership creates confusion because there is the absence of mentor, director and leader in various activities. This indicates that leaders form an integral part in mentoring, directing and motivating subordinates, in relation of improving productivity. In a nursing environment, democratic leadership is significant in creating team-work, order and transparency among stakeholders.
A good example is depicted by registered nurse who adopts patients-oriented approach in solving various problems. This indicates that customers’ relation and responses dictate the productivity of the organization. Although the democracy denies leaders full control of employees, it creates understanding and respect (Michael & Jean, 2006). Democratic leadership also applies in the management of falls whereby the stakeholders undertake multidisciplinary action, which integrates patients, nurses and physicians as a working unit (Ahmad, Adi, Noor, Rahman & Yushuang, 2013). Similarly, employees are part of the decision-making process. What is more, such leadership recognizes top-bottom leadership management, which cultivates the unity among stakeholders. Additionally, democratic leadership cultivates team-building, which eliminates discrimination, exploitation and exhaustion of workers. The inclusion of worker in the activities of the organization acts as a motivation and effective decision-making aspects. Overall, the study shows that a dictatorship leadership propagates understanding and mutualism. Although such leadership provides much freedom to the workers in making decision, it forms room for growth and innovation.
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