Achieving Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership
Roles of Presenters:
Our objectives lie upon describing and applying the theory behind effective interpersonal relationship by comparing rational and irrational beliefs, and illustrating through application the barriers of interpersonal relationships: fear and anxiety, shyness and self-blame. The team of Survivors, consisting of Van Nguyen, Zaid Altayyar, Manar Aljaber, and Phui Mun Wong, will make a presentation on Achieving Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership in class. Initially, the team will present a set of questions for the audience, and each member will have a questionnaire for the audience. Since the presentation is fixed for 50 minutes, each member of the team will ask a number of questions to fit within 10 minutes. Questions will be directed to the audience, and at the end of the 50th minute, the audience will be given a questionnaire to answer, in addition to a video presentation. The questions will be on the subject of effective interpersonal communication and relationship, and quality leadership. Since the subject is elaborate, each member will ask questions that give shape to understanding what effective interpersonal communication and relationship, and quality leadership is.
Questions such as, what is effective communication? How can one improve his or her communication? What is interpersonal relationship, and how is it different from general conversation between two people? Why is effective interpersonal communication and relationship important for an organization? What are good leadership qualities? How do leadership qualities improve or enhance performance? How can effectiveness in interpersonal and leadership qualities develop? What is interpersonal communication and relationship? Can an effective communication enhance interpersonal relationship? Questions such as these and more will be part of the 50 minute presentation which our group; the Survivors, will present.
Summarization of Content
There will be a summarization of the topics, wherein, the group will introduce, and brief the audience on how to achieve interpersonal effectiveness and leadership. In hindsight it can be said that effective communication is what drives interpersonal and leadership relationships. There are a number of components that enhances better interpersonal relationships, and quality leadership. The biggest challenge facing organizations, in developing quality interpersonal relationship are the barriers of fear and anxiety, shyness, and self-blame. Since any organization works in a highly competitive environment, there is bound to be fear and anxiety. To mange such a contingency, organizations, through interpersonal communication and relationship, include practices, encourage better work through rewards, and overcome distractions and challenges through positive leadership, where a collective effort and acceptance is developed to minimise distractions, and desensitize confrontations. To overcoming fear and anxiety, employees can develop the art of breathing properly. There will be an exercise in breathing before we close our presentation. We also talk about the advantages of muscle relaxation as an antidote to overcome fear and anxiety. Shyness is another challenge when it comes to interpersonal relationship. Shyness could be due to being with people of the opposite sex, being with strangers, social status, being in a large group and so on. “Shyness is an excessive caution in interpersonal relations,” and most people feel shy because of their overly self conscious attitude. Shyness can hamper the development of friendship, lead to isolation and depression, develop strained relationships, forego career opportunities, and stunted personal development. We will take you through the different stages to overcome shyness. Ignorance can be damaging, and is one cause for self-blame. A person who indulges in self-blame is either psychologically disturbed, or lacks the intelligence to do something constructive. The best way to overcome this stigma would be to induce positive, and productive self-talk, which develops with practice.
Instructional Aids
In order to effectively describe and apply the theory behind effective interpersonal relationship, we intend to use an audio-visual equipment, overhead projector, films, visual diagrams, handouts, questionnaires, and references. We have developed a video that will help the audience understand the importance of interpersonal communication and relationship, and good leadership qualities. Before starting the video, we plan to circulate among you, a set of questionnaires, which we would like you to attempt and return at the end of the presentation time. We have developed a PowerPoint, and also an instruction paper that will allow our audience to understand the scheduling of this presentation.