Objective: Describe the linear motion of objects, and derive characteristics of that motion, by using the concepts and mathematics of kinematics.
What are the characteristics of an object in motion? What vocabulary can be used to discuss these characteristics? How can we describe these characteristics with standardized units?
Key PointsEnsure understanding of displacement, velocity, time, and acceleration. Make sure students can convert between systems of measure.
Vocabulary: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1DKin/Lesson-1/Introduction (And subsequent topics of Lesson 1)
Units of Measure (Section 1): http://www.cwu.edu/~acquisto/kinematics.htm
Introduction to Kinematics (Video): http://ed.ted.com/on/0N9oysTL
How can we translate certain characteristics of an object’s motion into quantities usable for calculation? How are the different characteristics of motion related to each other?Key PointsEnsure understanding of how acceleration affects velocity, and time affects all of the quantities directly.
Quantity Relationships: http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/acceleration.htm
Interpreting Problems (Video): https://www.schooltube.com/video/4256e8191faa40929236/
Uuse kinematics equations to derive and describe all five characteristics of motion when we don’t have all of them to begin with?
Key PointsEnsure the student understands which variables and quantities represent the various characteristics of motion, and that they can translate quantities from a problem into the math needed to derive the others.
Explanation: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1DKin/Lesson-6/Kinematic-Equations-and-Problem-Solving
Sample problems: http://www.solvephysics.com/problems_kinematics.shtml
Sample Problem Walkthrough (Video): http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=KUaeLA0
How do the kinematic equations relate mathematically to one another? How can the kinematic equations themselves be logically derived?Key PointsEnsure understanding of the logical derivation of one equation, as well as the mathematical derivations of the others stemming from the one they can logically interpret.
Deriving the equations (Video): https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics//deriving-displacement--and-initial-velocity
Demonstrating relationships: http://physwiki.ucdavis.edu/TextMaps//03._Kinematics/07._Addendum
Create a scenario in which real-life examples of linear motion and create problems in which different quantities can be derived.
Key PointsEnsure that the student can label certain real-world behaviors as linear motion within the larger presentation of the scenario – for example, a car accelerating down the road, or an elevator moving up and down. Have the students give their own examples.
Real World Examples: http://users.ipfw.edu/maloney/ex9.html
Modeling Kinematics (Video): http://study.com/academy/lesson/acceleration-definition-equation-and-examples.html
Have students approach the same problem in groups that choose different methods. Then they present their solution along with the pros and cons of the method that they chose..Key PointsChoosing a particular method and identifying the flaws and benefits of the chosen method.
Interactive Example http://www.cte.cornell.edu/teaching-ideas/assessing-student-learning/using-rubrics.html