Poverty is one of the real issues in the World. It is the main driver of numerous socio-monetary
Issues including populace blast, unemployment, and youngster work and a climbing graph of
Criminal acts. Destitution reduction ought to be the fundamental focus of the country to make it
A Prosperous and creative nation. Along these lines, neediness end is a matter of central vitality.
Destitution intimates a condition in which an individual discovers him unable to support a living
Of standard sufficient for his physical and mental productivity. They even struggles to meet their
Fundamental necessities It is extremely challenging drawing a boundary line between
Prosperity and neediness. As stated by Adam Smith, "Man is rich or poor as stated by the degree
In which they can stand to delight in the necessaries, the comforts and the beguilements of
Human Life.” In this section’s discussion is all about India, a developing nation.
Point 1:
As opposed to getting suffocated into swirling seas of information we have to investigate the
Elements which prompt neediness. Since India is transcendently, a farming nation, it is the
Biggest Wellspring of occupation. More than three-fourths of their populaces rely on upon
Farming and Agriculture for their livelihood. Agribusiness here is completely dependent on
Rains. In some Cases because of questionable matter and discontinuity of rain, farming breaks
Down. Food grains Processing decreases. Frequently there is a dry season. All these unfavorably
Influence the pay era Prospect. These accounts to bring poverty. Individuals don't have a
Different method for business; they are left with no other alternative but to starve.
Absence of education constitutes a significant reason for poverty. It is truly extremely
Upsetting that after more than 60 years of freedom, something like one-fourth of our population
Doesn't know how to peruse and compose. Lack of education is one of the obligations which
Deny one from chances to look for different types of work. It indeed drives individuals to adhere
Addition, standing framework additionally places stipulations in the right to gain entrance to
Lucrative occupations to a dominant part of the individuals. Despite the fact that intrinsically
Such Organizations have been disassembled, their vicinity can even now be seen in the country
Zones. Moreover, the ever growing population is the biggest reason for poverty. Average size of
Indian Family is 4.2 which is much more than the other parts of the World. All these reasons
Make a Cycle and aggravates the problem of poverty. Poverty is detrimental. It reduces self-
Esteem and willingness to lead life to the fullest. It is also a Factor for creating the circumstances
Of non-availability of resources for purchasing food items that causes ultimate starvation.
Point 2:
According to stats 5% of the global income comes from 40% of the world’s poorest population
Which is like very meal and low. This creates a signs of insecurity as they cannot contribute
Much to the nation as terms of taxes and other commodities.
According to sources like UNICEF, everyday almost 22000 poor children die due to lack of
Treatment and malnutrition which is again because of poverty as hospital services from these
Areas are not accessible. Children, who are the backbone of any nation are deprived of Education
Because of poverty as now a days has more or less become a business and so no room for
Poors.If at all there is no Proper equality how can someone judge or pull out the best from the
Point 3:
It’s not that the Government has no taken any steps to irradiate poverty. The steps are mentioned
As below:
. Integrated rural development program (IRDE)
The objective of this program was to enable people from selective section of the society to cross
The poverty line in order to allow them access to the basic amenities of the society.
. National Rural Devilment Program (NREP)
It was launched to provide handful employment to the people to bring a change or improve
Quality of life specifically in the rural areas.
.Development of Women and Children
The objective of this program was to create income opportunities for women by allowing them to
Work in small scale industries.Compulsary education of children till standard 8 was also a part of
This step.
.Employment Exchange Program:
890 new exchanges were opened in order to create awareness among people about different job
Vacancies inside Government and Public sectors.
.Employment Guarantee scheme.
Under this scheme people who are like, not earning or are not in position to work, they are
Provided with some kind of compensation from the Government side so that they have the access
, Self-employment programs:
Government tried to provide some easy loans through different public sector banks so that the
People can start their own business in small scale and become a part of the self-help group.
The main reason behind poverty is lack of income generation. If there can be adequate jobs
Provided to the people that may help to irradiate poverty to a certain extent. Education and
Health have to give to be given utmost priority in order to maintain some kind of balance.
Sources and References:
Karana. 19 interactive solutions for reduction of Poverty in India. 20 November 2008.
Anup Shah Poverty facts and stats.07 January 2013.
Prabhakar Sinha. McKinsey pegs poverty line at Rest 1,336 per month. 20 February 2014.