There is power in decentralization of services. Armistead project ought to have been decentralized to cater for all the gays, bisexuals lesbians, among others across England. Centralizing the services at Liverpool is not effective at all to all consumers of this service provision. Decentralization of the services from privately owned entity to exposing this responsibility to individual health workers would have solved the monotony of services being offered. Individual healthcare providers administer all kinds of clients, therefore, if this project had been decentralized to all the healthcare providers then; every single victim under the group of potential beneficiaries could have been assisted. Community health centers are also another viable option that could have been used to assist this group of persons. Community-based health provision cuts across all age groups within any given community. This could have been more effective for the victims who fall in the groups of persons who are intended to benefit from this project. Developing an incentive through privatization means via the government funding could have been the best approach on ensuring that all the victims of this project are reached out for. Privatization allows efficient management of resources that are meant to cut across all the beneficiaries of this project.
Racism and discrimination are prevalent in the 21st century. The prevalence can simply be attributed to the historical occurrence of events. It simply means that, way back in history, racism was prevalent across all societies; therefore, this norm was spread from one generation to the next. Healthcare sector in Canada and Europe is also prevalent in the uprising cases of racism and discrimination. This is due to the presence of the blacks and the whites. Therefore, one race tends to discriminate the other one on the basis of historical overflow of this practice. Though, there is significant progress that the governments in Canada and Europe are undertaking to ensure that this practice is stopped, there is a cold war among the health practitioners who still spread this practice. It is, therefore, prudent enough for these governments to develop an all inclusive healthcare providers that cuts across all races.
Crossley, M. L. (2001). The ‘Armistead’ project: An exploration of Gay Men, Sexual Practices, Community Health Promotion and Issues of Empowerment. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 11(2); 111-123. doi:10.1002/casp.618
Narine, S. (2013). Racism Lives and Breathes; A Virus in Healthcare. Windspeaker, 30(12); 26.