The topic of my experimental study is “Pragmatics of the English fiction and the pragmatics problems of its translation”. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to better identify and comprehensively study the pragmatics of the artistic text and pragmatic problems of its translation. Pragmatic approach to the study of language phenomena contributes to the disclosure of the communicative purpose of a linguistic unit, its use as an instrument of the addressee action, influence and interaction, its correlation with the behavior and activities of the sender.
The language of fiction is a special system of signs, common for different languages. This language is characterized by a multiplicity of interpretations. In the literary text, there are three basic values: the world of reality, the world of ideas and the world of values. In the literary text there is combined reflection of the objective world and the author's fiction.
The objective of this work will be to study the pragmatics of the artistic text and translation techniques used to preserve the original pragmatists when translating literary text. Stated objective involves solving a number of specific problems:
1. Consider theoretical approaches to the pragmatic description of the text;
2. Investigate and describe the complex nature of multicomponent structure of pragmatics of English fiction text;
3. Identify the means to create and strengthen the pragmatics of English fiction text;
4. Set pragmatic means of creating value, taking into account the text pragmatics with account of pragmatic attitudes of English plays and prose;
5. Analyze examples of translate text fragments of the English literary works into German;
6. Match pragmatic potential fragments of original texts and pragmatics of their translation into German.
- Method of linguistic description;
- Contextual analysis;
- Analysis of actualized units in a literary text using the data of cultural, stylistic and situational contexts;
- Comparative analysis of text-matching translation from the original text;
- Transformational analysis;
- Quantitative analysis.
The material (subject) of the research will be around 5000 examples obtained by continuous sampling of the fiction works of the English-speaking authors. The list of authors could include S. Maugham, C. Dickens, W.M. Thackeray, R. Oldington, J. Salinger, J. Heller, A. Christie, R.P. Warren, X. Li, O. Henry, G.B. Shaw, O. Wilde, J.B. Priestley, T. William
The theoretical significance of the work will be to further develop the theory of communication in terms of its pragmatic aspect. Its results can serve as a contribution to the solution of the problem of pragmatic significance of language units and their text-forming potential of bringing together the features of the text and pragmatic ways to preserve and strengthen the pragmatics the original text in translation.
The practical value of the work is determined by the fact that its results can be used in courses on artistic interpretation of the text, translation theory and practice, as well as courses in pragmatics and text linguistics.
Hypotheses that can be used in the work are as follows:
1. Pragmatics of artistic text is a multi-layered structure and is represented by four levels: phono- graphic, lexical, syntactic and general textual.
2. Basic universals, "driving forces" of the artistic text are author’s and characters’ speech.
3. Pragmatics of the nationally specific characteristics of the interaction of verbal and non-verbal language in communicative act is achieved through the extralinguistic conditionality of their implementation in English.
4. Pragmatics of artistic text creates emotional functioning, expressive and evaluative aspects of linguistic units.
5. In choosing the language tools and techniques in the English-language translation of the artistic text the main criterion is the preservation of its pragmatics with sociocultural way of pragmatics of text of the original plan.
Leech, G. N., & Short, M. (2007). Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose (No. 13). Pearson Education.
Lihoreau, F. (Ed.). (2010). Truth in Fiction (Vol. 38). Walter de Gruyter.