A time when I had to make a change in my personal life was when I felt I had to transform from childhood to adulthood. This was in my adolescent years and I had to embrace the biological changes and social factors that had come with age. A change theory that would apply to my situation is the behavioral change theory. According to In Riekert et al. (2014), the behavioral change theory encompass the factors taken into consideration by an individual in seeking to determine why behaviors are dynamic. These are factors such as those in the environment, learning, health, growth and the general psychology. Theories of change are oriented on behaviors and aim at changing a behavior pattern or specific attribute.
At the time of the change decision, the priorities that I had were to follow my biological growth pattern and act my age. I felt I had to change my thinking from that of a child to that a mature person. I felt that this would in turn change my perception and involvement in day to day activities. I had to adapt to an all new kind of behavior and let go childish aspects that would create impediments in my transition to adulthood behavior. My change was successful. I managed to adapt to the new behaviors called for in adulthood and my hitherto growth and acceptance can be attributed to proper understanding of the theories of change and behavior modification models. The most important lesson I learned was that to change something, one must use models of behavior to diagnose the change and have a better understanding of it then implement the theories of change which outlines the processes to carry out. I believe strict adherence to this strategy would cause success in making a personal or professional change.
In Riekert, K. A., In Ockene, J. K., & In Pbert, L. (2014). Handbook of health behavior change. New York: Springer Pub