How to Understand Key Business Processes of a Company
For an accountant and financial analysts to provide efficient accounting and financial services to an organization, they need to understand well its particular business processes. This is of great significance because all the departments in any given organization are dependent on each other implying that the personnel in the accounting and finance department solely rely on other aspects of the firm. In other words, it amounts to an ethical responsibility for any employee seeking to work for a firm to critically understand the processes involved (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009). In this paper, I will explain how I would obtain an understanding of the crucial businesses activities in the Coca-Cola Company that produces organic beverages and besides explain some of the processes involved.
First, I would conduct an organizational survey to the company to gain some information through direct observation and from interacting with the employees who participate in the production process. Besides, I would give the production managers questionnaires to fill in importance information regarding the processes involved in the production of the beverages. Of more importance would be a direct observation that would give me some first-hand information useful in interacting with the organization (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2009). From these techniques, I would be able to gain some knowledge regarding the systematic process involved in the production of beverages such as a coke.
Another way through which I would gain some understanding concerning manufacturing process for the coca- cola company is by use of online sources of information. Apparently, a lot of research has been conducted concerning the company with most of these studies being available online. In essence, these previously conducted studies may give some light on what manufacturing process entails and besides provide background information concerning it. Furthermore online tools such as the company’s Facebook page, the Twitter and LinkedIn among other social media platforms would provide me with relevant knowledge regarding the company’s manufacturing process (Daft & Willmott, 2012).
Among the steps involved in the production of coke is the purification of water that requires sophisticated filtering, softening and disinfection to remove all the possible impurities. During this step, refined sugar is added to the water and afterwards the purified water is bottled by use of machines. After bottling the sugar water, what follows is addition of Cokes secret formula mixture together with some caramel colouring. The mixture is then shaken by another machine to ensure the ingredients blend well (Collier, 2014).
The other step involves adding of carbon dioxide to make the drink fizzy, which is done at low temperatures and high pressure. Afterwards, an automated machine dispenses the beverages in precisely calculated quantity while at the same time another machine caps and seals them (Collier, 2014). These containers are taken to another machine that applies bar codes and labels. At the end of this step, the beverages are checked for quality and packed awaiting distribution and consumption.
In conclusion, it is of great significance that any employee to an organisation regardless of their departments clearly understands the manufacturing process of the particular organisation. For instance, as a financial analysts or accountant in Coca-Cola Company, I would ensure that I obtain a sound knowledge of how the organization operates particularly in the manufacturing department. To gain such information, I would use research techniques such as organisational survey where which would give me an excellent platform to interact with the employees and the managers. Besides, I would access more information from online sources such as the Facebook, the company page, Twitter, or even LinkedIn. Of importance is that all departments of an organization are largely dependent on each other, hence, the need to understand the manufacturing process of a company’s product before engaging to work for it.
Collier, K. A. (2014). A Case Study on Corporate Peace: The Coca-Cola Company:
Coke Studio Pakistan. Business, Peace and Sustainable Development, 2014(2), 75-94.
Daft, R. L., Murphy, J., & Willmott, H. (2012). Organization theory and design. Andover: South-Western College Pub.
Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. W. (2009). Organizational behavior. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.