The aim of this project is to study the functions of HRM in the context of improving work performance and design motivation policy. This progress report discusses how the researcher approached the topic.
Note: the author introduces this by 1) reminding what the project deals with and 2) what the progress report deals with (time period).
Phase I (Date)
The information in my assignment includes the role and importance of HRM in organization structure and how HRM has assumed a critical importance. The introduction points out the challenges and hurdles and limitations faced by HRM.
Note: the author briefly explains work she completed during the period.
Phase II (Date)
During this period, I searched for the literature on the topic and collected relevant content. The literature discussed organization perspectives and how HRM functions are related to the organizational goals. Some articles enlightened me about the changing concepts about HRM roles. The study also discussed organizational culture and how it could support or discourage HRM in implication of motivational programs.
The other content discussed the HRM roles right from job design, recruitment, training, communication, award, reward strategy planning and achieving desired outcomes for the organization by motivating the workforce. HRM is the art and science of managing humans. The advent of technology, internet and innovations in communication were also discussed in the topic. How information technology can improve the HRM performance and efficacy. Results of a few surveys were discussed as to what extent different motivational steps can bring positive outcomes and invoke the confidence and dedication of workforce.
Note: the author focuses on work completed this period by 1) explaining work completed during the period.
Phase III (Date)
The concluding part included developments in Oman and the change in perspectives of management. The discussion summarized how skill development and empowerment can have positive effect on employees. Simultaneously, the need for inclusion of HRM in strategy planning was pointed out.
The discussion summarized the content of the paper and pointed out that HRM must be given its due place in organization. HRM, however efficient, resourceful and innovative, needs due support and backing from organization and its voice must be heard right from the stage of organizational strategy planning.
Note: the author gives details about what's next.
Problems encountered and overcome
The global expansion of markets and multinational operations have a deep impact upon HRM strategy. Cultural diversity and local environment pose challenges to HRM. While these are not unexpected developments. The HRM is continually subjected to the challenges of change.
The researches cover limited sample sizes in different sectors. The researcher finds it difficult to generalize the definition of HRM which can be universally applied. The role of HRM is to see that the organizational goals are achieved in all environments. As pointed out earlier, different cultures and local political environment affect the perspectives of the workforce.
The researcher had to study the topic from the content assimilated from many sources and see that the content did not lose focus. It was a very enlightening exercise for the researcher. I gathered the related content and drafted the initial content, reviewed and revised it such that HRM was always in focus. I was finally able to write the paper with cohesive content.
The research project is on schedule and should encounter no problems finishing it by: ________