Chapter 9
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Q1: A study has an internal validity:
Internal validity is important for any research in which the researcher is giving focus on the variables, which he is studying. The basic reason behind the purpose to study internal validity is to understand that the one variable always left an effect, which can be positive as well as negative on another variable. In most researches, always certain causes and affect are present and hence the research based on variables. These variables are dependent and independent and in a research where both are present the researcher, usually, name it as causation. However, the researcher who has confidence in its observations and research is internal validity.
Q2: Internal and external validity:
Both are the type of research. In internal validity, the researcher identifies the results, which are independent. On the other side, external validity is a generalized form of research and easy to complete. Similarly, both can relate each other to form a mixed strategy of study of a research, which is mostly done by many researchers. The more research is generalizing, and data are collected and have a large number of sample sizes, then result will come accurately, which will name as external validity of the research. Whereas, the research has some hypotheses present in it including dependent and independent variables, to prove in conclusion that the dependent variable is a cause by the independent variable with confidence than research prove accurate.
Q4: Threats to internal validity
- It is a history threat. The researcher was unaware that school student use computers in the schools that is a benefit for the students and help them. However, the researcher did not get a proper history, which causes a threat because it is sudden he see the situation changes.
- This statement is referring towards maturation threat. The students are absent while unit test, which is surprising for the researcher because this factor occurs by passing time
- This statement is a threat of subject effect.
- This statement shows the threat of implementation.
- This statement shows that the threat of subject attitude because students show high improvement and performance increase.
- This threat is the regression in the given statement in which he or the students identify low performance as well depending on the score.
- This statement shows the threat of regression.
- This statement is showing the threat of subject characteristic.
Q5: A threat assessment test will take to identify that these threats exist.
Q6: Threat that is most important for the researcher is regression threat which is difficult to handle and difficult to identify. When researcher selects any variable because of extreme basis than these can be errors as well. In result, maybe the researcher needs to repeat his testing that is time and resource consuming as well. For this purpose, the research needs to be more focus and not rely on test only.