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Every organization has its own culture that is different than that of others. Culture plays a significant role in achieving a high level of organizational effectiveness. Developing leadership in an organization is a fundamental step in self-change. However, the type of change and leadership that leads organizational culture into a new direction needs to be handled and considered carefully by organization (Griffin, 2011). Therefore, this essay analyses in depth the characteristics of the writer’s work context, its organizational culture and arguing re-culturing needs, along with suggestions for possible change.
Reculturing is the practice of reviewing the cultural amendments of an organization, and promoting peace and mutual understanding of the essence of activities that will enable proper communication and functions of the organizations. Based on the cultural practices within the LSA organization, the management systems and the efforts to maintain the employee’s relationship with the employers are still a challenging situation that affects the entire organization.
Brannen (2009) finds out that when rectifying the cultural values and morals at LSA, the management should consider a wider variety of awareness to children, who require skills that will enable them gain insights from the program. It is vital to offer an adequate period of playing, and interactions with other children, for self-discovery and awareness within them. During this time, advancing in communication skills that elaborate active listening and observation will identify the talents of the children, and, same time, the challenges they face during play time.
On the other side, the teachers should incorporate more activities that are practiced outside the school curriculum, or in the classroom, to enable a simpler connection and building of rapport within the children. The exposure obtained during such outdoor events will create awareness for the purpose of emulating stronger values and developing personality traits that obtain tolerance and sufficient awareness. The talent discovery is out of the activities that take place in the routine of the children, specifying in the subject of interest according to the previous experiences and observations.
According to Frye (2014), team building activities that enhance integrated ideas and the various activities from different colleagues, will help the children have a rich background on how to handle issues, especially in their career life. When teamwork is embraced, people have an elaborate reason of cultivating the cultural practices from the concept of self-image, to appreciating other people’s achievements. Such intrusion will catalyze the need to rebuild in a way of self-defense and motivation, depending on the levels of reminder and motivation from the people that surround the children.
While Reculturing, Little Scientist Academy LSA should consider the relationship between the management and the staff members. Considering the effective communication and creating lesser boundaries between these parties, will enable a channel of communication that is strengthened by accepting feedback, dealing with challenges that are triggered through certain situations of discrimination and other opportunities that require appraisal. The supervisors should provide a long term strategy for the employees who work hard and active their goals, and motivate the individuals by creating higher posts to help them grow (Mallan, 2009).
Organizational culture, behavior is embraced by different corporations whose missions aims at attaining the objective goals that will help with a management of the company. Reculturing has enacted proper communication through feedback from different groups who contribute to advancing the external and internal environment, and rebuilding the relationship within the management and staff members. Positive thinking results in a stabilized recultured organization.
Brannen, M. Y., & Peterson, M. F. (2009). Merging without alienating: interventions promoting cross-cultural organizational integration and their limitations. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(3), 468-489.
Frye, D., & Moore, C. (Eds.). (2014). Children's theories of mind: Mental states and social understanding. Psychology Press.
Griffin, R., & Moorhead, G. (2011). Organizational behavior. Cengage Learning.
Mallan, K. M. (2009). Gender dilemmas in children's fiction. Palgrave Macmillan.