The Central Nervous System is the control system of the human body; it is the core of the human nervous system. The Central Nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and the brain. The brain uses the electrical signal, which is generated by the Central Nervous System. These electrical signals travel via the Peripheral Nervous System effector cells. These effector cells carry out physiological responses whenever the brain demands it. Axonal regeneration occurs successfully in the Peripheral Nervous System. However, regenerative axonal growth starts occurring in the Central Nervous System too, but stops two weeks after the injury. (Kiernan 1978)
Few years ago, a team of scientists at the UCSF made a vital discovery. The nerve cells were stimulated in the laboratory rats, first at the time of the injury and then after a week, the growth capacity of the nerve cells was increased to sustain that capacity. The fact that these scientists were able to increase the growth capacity of the nerve cells was very vital for nerve regeneration. Also, Basbaum and his team were able to successfully manipulate the techniques that can be used to apply the principle of the cell growth capability of the Peripheral Nervous System to the cells of the Central Nervous System. It has also been discovered that in cold-blooded vertebrates, the Central Nervous System shows very vital regenerative potentials. The optic nerve system of the amphibian and teleost provides a very good model system that can be used for successful regeneration in the Central Nervous System. (Examiner 2014)
It was once thought that it is not possible for the nerve fibers in the central nervous to regenerate itself. The fact is that, nerves can actually regenerate itself to one degree, or another. In all living things, this regeneration can only occur under some very limited and restricted conditions. For a nerve to regenerate; the electrical simulation, nutrients, and enzymes must occur properly, either with medical interventions or without it. The inflammation must be regulated; it may either be destroyed, reduced, or encouraged; however, the scar tissue must be destroyed. (Examiner 2014)
Kiernan JA. An explanation of axonal regeneration in peripheral nerves and its failure in the central nervous system. Med Hypotheses. 1978 Jan-Feb;4(1):15-26.
Nerve Regeneration Is Possible. Healthcare. Clarity Digital Group LLC d/b/a. 2014. <>