Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is to provide all necessary and correct information to the company’s stakeholders. The information presented is arranged in a useful context to facilitate stakeholder commitment to the desired action proposed by the company.
About the Company
Cicadania is a global clothing company and an internationally recognized brand. Currently employing more than 200 people in three different continents, the company is envisioning an aggressive push for expansion into new territories. However, the company’s business cornerstone is to push through with growth under a socially responsible context. This is a core trait of the company and as such, it has endeavoured to take responsible action as a citizen of the world.
- Sustainability - the company commits itself to the maintenance of ecological balance by avoiding exhaustion of natural resources.
- Quality – the company shall strive to excel by consistently providing quality goods and services while remaining punctual and flexible.
- Initiative – the company shall listen and respond to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation to have successful achievements.
- Impact – the company shall create the right social changes by improving through realistic, effective business strategies driven by the triple bottom line (social, economic and environmental).
- Relationship management – the company shall align and manage its relationships throughout the value chain.
- Professionalism – the company shall act with respect and integrity while conducting daily tasks.
- Quality of life - the company shall promote the quality of life for one’s self and others through support and empowerment.
- Responsible citizens – the company will operate responsibly in all aspects where the business transects with society.
Cicadania Stakeholder Report
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