1.1 Purpose
This document presents an analysis of the University requirement for a database system. The university would like to have student records systems that will enable them to carry out various tasks. This document will further present the detailed university database system requirements and the proposed structures of the databases.
1.2 Scope
This document is aimed at providing a clear guideline of the system requirements and point out all the elements needed in the data structure. The proposal will come up with structures such as the Entity relationship model ERD among others. This proposal will also look at the business intelligent reports that could be generated by the system that are useful to the system. The vendors will be proposed who will be to develop the system.
1.3 System Overview
The database system is aimed at providing the university with an opportunity to store information generated by each faculty or school. The University has many campuses which also have different schools and faculties. The information about each course offered by the university should be captured by the system. The system also offers specific course information of the subjects the students are going to undertake. This means that a program that a student is going to study such as Computer Science should be able to list all the subjects under it. The core courses that a student is required to take in order to complete the course will also be captured by the database system.
There will be an online grading system. This means that the database should be dynamic and able to offer quick access to data. The students should be able to access the online grading system where the core courses for a professional course are listed. The period and term on which the student will be able to complete the course should be presented by the grading system.
1.4 Project References
This is the first database system that the university is coming with. This means that there are no earlier documentations of the database system that this document will reference.
1.5 Acronyms and Abbreviations
DBMS- database management system
1.6 Data Owners
The data quality and generation will be from each department. It means that Dean faculty are the data owners since they are in charge of different schools and faculties that will generate the data. They different heads of department in different faculties that will be looking at each course program are also data owners. They will generate content for the courses. They will provide the program schedule. When students are enrolled, their information is captured at the departmental level and administratively by the academic registrar. Student data into the database will be generated from these two sources. They are responsible for the quality of student data.
2.1 Naming Conventions
The database will mainly have the courses of the students and the student data. Courses are identified by the course title and the course code. The students will be identified by their names, date of birth and the professional study program. The naming of the courses will be based on conventional laid out under each faculty. The course code for instance, will be able to tell use the course of the student and the year of study. If it is a course for computer science; the course code will be CSC 102, CSC 301, where CSC shows it is professional course computer science course while first digit 1 or 3 means the year of study first year (1) and third year (3). The last two digital shows the level of the core course.
2.2 Database Identification
There will be unique identification of data in the database to avoid duplication of data. This will also facilitate quick mapping of the information. The students will be identified by a registration number. This will be a unique identification that enables the university to uniquely identify each of their students. The courses will also have unique course ids, as well as all other subjects under each professional program.
2.3 Systems Using the Database
There will be an online grading system that will be using the database. Student management system at each level of the university will also get information from the system.
2.4 Relationship to Other Databases
After successful development of this database, there will be further plans to link it with the finance system. It will also be linked to the examination office because there are courses required in order for students to proceed to the next level of the course. This information can only be provided by the examination office which is responsible for handling all matters related to exams.
2.5 Schema Information
This section describes the overall structure in the schema and the global definition of the database.
2.5.1 Description
The database will have key areas divided under each faculty. The faculties will have departments which have specific professional courses. The students enrol under each course and the lecturers are responsible for teaching those students. It is assumed that a single lecturer can have at least one subject to teach. This means that they may be teaching in a single department or across the sections. They will be given classes based on their university work load system. The students will be required to pass given subjects before moving on to the next level. The professional path taken y the student depends on the previous courses done.
2.5.2 Physical Design
Below are the vendors of database management systems.
1. Sigma school management software
They have features an advanced technology
2. ampEducaor is also another vendor for management
3. Populi webhosted college management systems
4. Focus/SIS are also database management system vendors.
5. Administrator’s Plus School administrative software developers
Astrahan, M. M., Blasgen, M. W., Chamberlin, D. D., Eswaran, K. P., Gray, J. N., Griffiths, P. P., & Watson, V. (1976). System R: relational approach to database management. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS),1(2), 97-137.
Dunn, S., & Kelbie, P. (1997). U.S. Patent No. 5,668,991. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
McCarthy, D., & Dayal, U. (1989). The architecture of an active database management system. ACM Sigmod Record, 18(2), 215-224.
Smith, R. M., Ting, D. M., Boer, J. H., & Mendelssohn, M. (1993). U.S. Patent No. 5,181,162. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Zhang, C., Naughton, J., DeWitt, D., Luo, Q., & Lohman, G. (2001, May). On supporting containment queries in relational database management systems. InACM SIGMOD Record (Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 425-436). ACM.