Media is a powerful and an effective tool to the society, and it`s aspects are particularly emphasized in modern days. Some of the factors explaining why media is important as shown in the media audit report include;
Media as an important element of recreation and entertainment
Through movies and music, one can experience entertainment and recreation, because the content in these forms of media is usually fascinating and exciting to watch or listen to. They are able to, relax the mind and change the mood of a person especially when exhausted due to work or other duties. Music is a frequent aspect of media that is developed in many forms because it is a simple way of entertainment. It is also a revolutionary to the media experience (Arena, 2007). It does not demand much concentration and creates a good environment for many things including work and recreation. An interesting perspective of music is how it facilitates to the emergence of a culture. Music has helped many people to get income from it, and some have done this through aggressive marketing of the music that ends up raising interest for people to listen to it. Music relates to many people’s social and psychological needs and hence people listen to it often.
Some of the factors that have advanced music and have determined its development is; Modernity
Modernity as a mode of thinking has greatly influenced how people perceive certain lifestyles such as celebrities who use music to gain their celebrity status. Modernity has also, brought aspects of the world as open to transformation, by human intervention and mastery. Music is characterized by these features, this explains why it relate well to developing and changing music trends.
Aspects of Television Development
One of the primary factors for the development of television is for profit endeavors. Television is characterized by lots and lots of advertisements of different products that make it a good source of business. However, television is also a significant source of recreation and entertainment. In the media audit, a significant amount was spent watching the television, because television is a major influence to modernity. There is a huge correlation between modernity and television. Both of them complement each other, for example, the occurrence of modern events and the idea of the world as open to human intervention creates an opportunity for television development through content creation (Prior, 2005). On the other hand, television is an effective form of media that influences modernity through critical analysis to all aspects of existence.
Aspects of social sites, Websites and online conversations development
These forms of media are important and help develop the human capacity to extra levels. They help in promoting the self capacity. They can help one to sell self and help enhance individual skills in terms of getting a job. For example, the content in email as outlined in the media audit had information that was promoting personal development. Participating in the webinar was a chance to sell oneself by participating in the discussions (Sankaranarayanan, 2009).
These media forms provide a chance for one to realize self-invention. Social sites help one to get an understanding of an individual’s likes and dislikes while still giving you a chance to express ideas, thoughts and concerns. These forms of media relate well with modernity as a stage for civilization. People get a chance through these aspects of media to mobilize, but at the same time maintain privacy when managing personal profiles in different sites. They are usually characterized by individualization whereby, an individual has the freedom to access to information or activity they wanted to engage in without lots of limitations.
Arena, M., & Azzone, G. (2007). Internal audit departments: adoption and characteristics in Italian companies. International Journal of Auditing, 11(2), 91-114.
Prior, M. (2005). News vs. entertainment: How increasing media choice widens gaps in political knowledge and turnout. American Journal of Political Science, 49(3), 577-592.
Sankaranarayanan, J., Samet, H., Teitler, B. E., Lieberman, M. D., & Sperling, J. (2009, November). Twitterstand: news in tweets. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (pp. 42-51). ACM.