For more than ten decades now, aspirin has been a preferable and effective pain killer. However, its effectiveness in prevention and management of heart disease was established in 1970s. Based on research findings, the American Heart Association accentuate that; baby aspirin can effectively manage heart disease, particularly, those who have survived the same and in effect prevent heart disease to those vulnerable to heart attack (Halvorsen et al. 325). In concurrence with the above notion, the Food and Drug Administration establishes that; only those with a history of heart disease and those vulnerable to the same are permitted to use the drug. FDA states the above with lots of precincts, essentially because research on the same proves that, taking aspirin pose a great risk of bleeding to those patients that do not have a clearly defined medical history related to stroke and heart disease (Galper, et al 267). By focussing on aspirin therapy as it relates to the cure of heart disease, this paper will present concepts and ideas related to the same supported in research findings.
Apparently, aspirin’s potential to cure the heart disease recount from its accredited benefits to the heart. Firstly, aspirin inhibits blood clot. Research done along this line ascertains that the aspirin has the potential of inhibiting the process of blood clotting (Dalen 201). Considering that the presence of prostaglandins in the blood triggers the blood platelets to clump together in a way to form blood clots, aspirin’s potential of hampering prostaglandins makes it effective in inhibiting blood clot formation. Aspirin’s ability to inhibit the formation of blood clots in arteries that supply the brain and the heart muscles with blood makes it effective in preventing heart disease. The above is true since stroke and heart disease is predominantly caused a cut in supply of blood to the brain and the heart muscles. Secondly, aspirin reduces inflammation. Considering that inflammation is normally triggered by the action of cyclooxygenase enzyme, aspirin inhibits the process of inflammation by technically blocking the action of this enzyme. Once aspirin blocks or rather inhibit the action of the above enzyme, a concurrent reduction in the production of prostaglandins a chemical that fosters heart attack is reduced.
The third factor that makes aspirin appropriate for the management and prevention of heart disease stems from its potential to reduce the risk of death. Based on research findings, regular use of aspirin is effective in reducing the chances of death from all aspects and causes of the same (Schmidt and Rohit 277). The above is true particularly the elderly people who have a medical history of heart disease.
Though research proves the effectiveness of aspirin therapy in managing and preventing heart diseases and other related diseases like stroke, the need to clearly establish those eligible to the same is imperative. According to American Heart Association and Food and Drug Administration, a considerable number of patients are eligible to aspirin therapy. These include: people that have coronary heart complications, people who have once in their lives experienced heart attack, people that have medical history regarding transient ischemic attack, and finally those people who once underwent surgery to treat heart disease (Berger, et al 120).
Subsequent to the increased misuse of aspirin drug, it is advisable for any patient to seek guidelines and advice from a physician prior to undertaking aspirin therapy. The above is particularly important because if one has low risks of heart attack and stroke, the benefits acquired from aspirin may be outweighed by an increased chance of experiencing bleeding complications. Based on the above, research along the same line of thought have been undertaken to establish those eligible for a low dose aspirin. Being a pain killer as well, people with stomach ulcers, and allergic to aspirin, have high blood pressure, have recent history of stroke, and those with asthma are advised to take low doses of the drug so as to evade the possibility of experiencing bleedings (Raju, et al 627).
Another important aspect of aspirin therapy entails the precautions that one ought to o take prior to using the drug. Firstly, a patient who uses aspirin regularly should limit alcohol intake; this is essentially because, too much alcohol alongside aspirin will trigger increased risk of stomach and liver damage. Secondly, it is important always to consult your doctor before taking the drug because of its negative effects that may develop. Thirdly, it is important to take great precaution prior to taking any other pain reliever; this is predominantly because pain killers sometimes work to inhibit the effect of the counterpart pain killer.
Works Cited
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