Sodium is an element found in Group I of periodic table according to WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements (n.p), commonly known as the Alkali metals. It is a metal with silver-white color appearance. It is usually found in many different minerals like cryolite, zeolite and amphibole. The most common mineral where it is found is sodium chloride. Sodium is the sixth abundant element in found in earth’s crust. It has an atomic symbol of Na and an atomic number of 11. The atomic mass is 22.98977 and atomic radius is 186pm. Sodium is a very reactive metal. At room temperature, it exists in solid metal form which is silver in color. It has a boiling point which is 880 C and a melting point of 97.720 C. The density is 0.968g/cm3. Sodium has one naturally occurring isotope that is stable. Its nucleus has 11 protons and 12 neutrons. It is not radioactive. However, there are 18 other sodium isotopes that are known. They are all radioactive. The stable sodium isotope, sodium-22, has 2.6 years of half-life. The electron configuration of sodium is 2.8.1 for its atom (Joesten et al. 205).
Sodium word is derived from suda, which is Arabi word. This means headache as compounds of sodium were for their relieving properties during the early periods. In medieval Europe, it was known as sodanum, a Latin word, which was utilized as remedy for headache alleviation. The abbreviation given to sodium Na, is a shorted Latin word natrium, derived from the natron of Egypt. This is a mineral salt that is usually natural occurring. This abbreviation was published initially by Jons Jakob Berzelius in atomic symbols system, according to ChemWiki (n.p). Sodium was first discovered in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy. This was after performing electrophoresis on sodium hydroxide, where sodium was deposited at the cathode electrode. Sodium exists as a positive ios in charged form (Emsley 381).
Sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride compound. In the reaction, sodium donates an electron to chlorine, causing sodium to be positive charged and chlorine to be negatively charged. This makes the two to attract each other forming ionic bond. The formula is NaCl. The structure is [Na]+[Cl]-. It is the solid deposits found at seawater. Sodium reacts with carbonate to form sodium carbonate. The carbonate ions will gain an electron from sodium to form Na2CO3. Structure is 2[Na]+ [CO3]-. It found in arid regions as deposits formed due to evaporation of seasonal lakes. It can exist in powder or solution form.
Sodium will react violently with water to form sodium hydroxide ( O’Daly 21). This reaction is exothermic. Hydrogen gas is released in the reaction. The formula for sodium hydroxide is NaOH. The structure is [Na]+[OH]-. It exists as white flakes, granules or pellets and is found in certain fruit seeds naturally. Another compound is sodium hydrogen carbonate. Sodium reacts with hydrogen carbonate ions to form NaHCO3. The structure for the compound is [Na]+[HCO3]-. This is a white solid found dissolved in water springs.
Sodium reacts with nitrate gas to form sodium nitrate. The formula of this compound is NaNO3. Its structure is [Na]+ [NO3]-. It is found in Peru, and other arid regions as large deposits. It occurs in solid form. Sodium will rapidly dissolve in a solution of sulphuric acid to form sodium sulphate, where hydrogen is released as gas. The formula for sodium sulphate is Na2SO4. The structure is 2[Na]+ [SO4]-. It is mainly found in southern Sskatchewan lake beds and exists in liquid form.
Iodine reacts with sodium to form sodium iodide with a formula of NaI. The structure of the compound has ionic bonds and is given as [Na]+ [I]-. It is a crystalline white solid found in earth’s crust. Sodium reacts with bromine and fluorine as well to form NaBr and NaF respectively. Their structure is [Na]+ [Br]- and [Na]+ [F]-. These are found in earth’s crust as well. Sodium reacts with ethanoic acid to form sodium ethanoate compound and water. The formula for sodium ethanoate is CH3COONa. The structure is [CH3COO]- [Na]+. The bond formed between the two is an ionic bond. It exists in liquid form and is found in petroleum products.
Sodium being a relative small metal, it is used in nuclear power plants as a medium for heat exchange (Zohuri and Patrick 503). It transfers heat from one place to another. Sodium is essential in human bodies. Therefore, it is included in some drugs. This is because it assists the nervous system as well as helping the brain to function properly. Sodium containing drugs can be taken when it is only necessary. Sodium is also used in the creation of lighting fixtures. This is because it produces a bright yellow light which also appears beautiful.
Sodium is used in various industries in the making of glass, textiles and pottery among others. Organic sodium is used in making titanium metal. This is because it improves the alloy structure and is not harmful. It also has various laboratory uses like the preparation of hydrogen gas. Sodium is also used in paper manufacturing. Sodium is also a special element used in fertilizers. Fertilizers enable farmers to grow their crops well. Sodium solution is used by some photographers to produce pictures. Apart from being used as a medium for heat transfer in nuclear plant reactors, sodium is also used to cool these reactors.
Additionally, sodium forms compounds that have various beneficial uses. These uses can either be applied to our bodies or they can be industrial uses. Sodium has several different compounds occurring naturally or prepared.
Sodium chloride is one of the most common sodium compounds. It commonly known as table salt where it enhances the flavor in food. It is usually put in bottled, canned, frozen or foods that are dried. One function of sodium chloride is adding flavor and another is prevention of decay. It kills or prevents bacteria that contacts the food.
Another important compound is sodium carbonate. It is commonly known as sal soda, washing soda or soda ash. It is mainly used in water purification as well as sewage treatment. Sodium carbonate is used also in making detergents and soaps.
Sodium bicarbonate is another compound that has beneficial use. It causes batter rising. Due to its fizzing reaction when dissolved in water, the fizzy gas helps the rise in bread batter. It is used in the manufacturing of certain drugs like the Alka-Seltzer. This drug has fizzing effect that helps in settling the stomach. Other uses are in mouth-washes, systems of silk cleaning, fire extinguishers and timber industry.
Other compounds include sodium fluorosilicate that is used in making fluoride toothpastes that offer protection against cavities, and insecticides that kill insects. There is sodium metaborate that is commonly used as herbicide. Sodium zirconium glycolate is used as a germicide and deodorant. Sodium paraperiodate is used in ensuring that tobacco urns cleanly and completely. Sodium alginate is a thickening agent that is used in prepared foods and ice cream, cement manufacture and manufacturing of paints that are water based.
It is important to note that sodium should be properly handled and stored due to the risks hazards involved when dealing with it.
Works Cited
"Chemistry of Sodium - Chemwiki." ChemWiki: The Dynamic Chemistry Hypertext - Chemwiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2016.
Emsley, John. The Elements of Murder. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005. Print.
Joesten, Melvin D, James L. Wood, and Mary E. Castellion. The World of Chemistry: Essentials. Belmont: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007. Print.
O'Daly, Anne. Sodium. New York: Benchmark Books, 2002. Print.
WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2016.
Zohuri, Bahman, and Patrick McDaniel. Thermodynamics in Nuclear Power Plant Systems. N.p., 2015. Print.