Market Research and Segmentation
Overall health status of seniors
Getting older brings health challenges to seniors in the community. The implication of such challenges is that health practitioners need to take actions that make them aware of the chronic conditions while going ahead to look for ways to enhance the well-being of the seniors in the community. The health status of the seniors is relatively weak because of their old age such that they have to be managed through being physically active and eating healthy foods that have low fat and no sugar.
Unique illnesses suffered by seniors
Some of the unique illnesses that face the seniors include arthritis for those above the age of 65. The conditions reduces that ability of seniors to remain active due to the pain suffered. The other conditions include heart disease that is among the leading killer for most of the seniors. With the increasing age, risk factors, for instance, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, become evident and hence contribute to the chances of developing heart complications. Alzheimer’s disease is also a condition among seniors whereby diagnosis of such illnesses is difficult. However, among the notable symptoms is reduction in cognitive ability which reduces the quality of life for the seniors. Osteoporosis is also a condition for the seniors where they become less mobile and potentially disabled due to low bone mass. The condition puts the seniors at risks of fracturing or breaking their body parts in case of a fall.
Medical institutions for seniors
Types of institutions and clinics serving seniors
The type of institutions for seniors include home care where the services are offered at the premises of the aged individuals by paid professionals, family members or friends. Community services are also key to proving necessary services to seniors where they are engaged in day care, meal programs, and senior centers. The purpose of such institutions is to provide health and social support services meant to improve the well-being of seniors. Supportive housing programs are institutions that offer low cost housing to seniors who have lower incomes.
Types of special services provided for seniors and catering to their needs
Assisted living programs are involved in such settings to help the seniors with housekeeping, laundry, bathing, dressing and eating. The seniors could also be placed under continuing care retirement communities that provide a variety of services based on the needs of the aged individuals. Care in this case could be provided in the form of assisted living, skilled nursing and independent living where the seniors have the capacity to perform several tasks on their own. Nursing homes also provide care for the seniors who cannot be take care of at their homes or at the community institutions. Such care has to be provided by a skilled nurse where seniors are assisted with their daily living, rehabilitation and feeding. The type of special services for the seniors vary depending on the daily activities that need help and their health conditions. Services offered on a daily basis include; preparing meals, laundry, bathing, dressing and ensuring that the seniors remembers to take their medicines.
On the other hand, health care needs for seniors include; physical therapy, pain management programs, nutritional therapy and rehabilitation that are all important in improving quality of life for the seniors. Depending on the condition of the seniors, the average length of stay in hospitals is 4.8 days.
Mission Viejo Area City Demographics
Mission Viejo has an estimated population of 97209 as of 2014. The region is suburban and multicultural in nature with several races including; Caucasian, African American, Asian and American Indian. With a larger proportion of the population being individuals beyond the age of 60, the city is characterized by a high number of institutions meant to provide assisted living for the seniors. The fact that a larger population is made up of seniors increase the number of widowed persons in the city.
Market research and segmentation of the senior community in the Mission Viejo area
Target market subjects and their locations
The target segment is the assisted living facilities located near Laguna Woods in estates including; Hampton Court, Pacific Shores of Laguna Hills, Freedom Village and Joyful Home 11.
Special needs of seniors requiring assisted living
The special need for the seniors requiring assisted living include assistance in bathing, laundry services and administration of medicines such that they do not forget to comply with the dosage. Other needs may include shopping and paying bills for the seniors which then implies that relationships have to be based on mutual trust.
Special medical/health services required by seniors requiring assisted living
The fact that seniors requiring assisted living are at risk of acquiring diseases that hinder the achievement of normal body functioning creates the need for their health wishes to be fulfilled. Such needs include administrating medications to the seniors, provided essential in home medical services as advised by a practitioners while at the same time trying to improve the seniors understanding of their conditions and the need to adhere to the doctor’s advice. Seniors may also wish to be transported to see their doctors, a task that those involved in service provision for assisted living will have to be ready to perform.
Type of physician specialization required by seniors
Seniors require physician specialization that include practitioners involved in geriatrics, osteopathic physician and psychiatrists. While most of the problems facing seniors include decline in cognitive abilities and weakened bones, it is imperative that necessary specialization roles be undertaken to improve the well-being of seniors requiring assisted living. Geriatric care is important as it plays a bigger role in helping seniors who are nearing the end of their lives and who may be suffering from multiple chronic illnesses that weaken their body functioning. Complexity of health conditions of seniors requiring assisted living create the need for social workers, nutritionist, physical therapist and consultant pharmacist whose role is to improve the condition of the elderly even if they are nearing the end of their lives. A combination of the services provided by the practitioners identified is important since with a multidisciplinary approach, it is likely that each will perform their role well while at the same time incorporating a collaborative approach to understanding the needs and expectations of the senior.
Those requiring assisted living tend to prefer a single medical center since they assume that having one doctor who understands their needs is necessary unlike in the situation where seniors may be forced to keep changing their medical center. Operating from a single medical center location is therefore perceived to be effective for the elderly since those involved in their care are aware of health history and progress made by the patient in improving their health.
Assisted Living Registrar. (2009). Assisted Living for Seniors. Vancouver: Office of the Assisted Living Registrar.
County of Orange. (2013). Orange County Health Profile: A look at trends and disparities in key health indicators for Orange County. California: County of Orange.
Orange County. (2016). City of Mission Viejo: Demographs. Mission Viejo: 2015 Orange County Progress Report.