In the article by Bogduk (2004), back pain that persists for over three months is classified into three types: reductionism, multi-disciplinary therapy, and mono-therapy. The reductionism classification should be used if there is need to have a specific diagnosis. Multi-disciplinary therapy is appropriate when that patient is able to participate in exercise. Mono-therapy often does not work at all or only for a short period of time (Bogduk, 2004).
In my own personal life I have dealt with people that lack empathy for others when they complain of a sore back. Some people view others with such chronic conditions as hypochondriacs who are seeking attention. I try to encourage others to give the person the benefit of doubt and that perhaps their pain is real and that it has been endured for a long period of time.
I should try to help people who are non-empathetic towards others to try and put themselves in the shoes of the other person and imagine trying to bear long-term pain.
Browman et al focus on reducing the time that patients spend in the emergency department. The goal is to increase patient satisfaction. The expectations of the proposed initiative were positive (Browman et al., 2004).
In my own work background I have not been patient with coworkers who have had a rough night the previous night having spent five to eight hours in the emergency department with a sick significant other in their life.
I need to be more aware that not only is being in the emergency department with someone a task which consumes time, it consumes one’s energy as well.
Davis et al focuses on the treatment and mistreatment of the aged population. The paper looks at the services provided to the elderly and different community dynamics that facilitate their care (Davis et al., 2012).
When my great-aunt was ill, there was a great concern over how the home health agency workers were going to treat her as she was not family to them, but rather a client. We were concerned that she might not receive proper care.
As a family unit, we should have shared our thoughts and had a representative sit down with her caregiver from the agency to make sure expectations on both sides were clear and to ensure that the lines of communication would be open.
Brown et al analyzed the opinions given by speech-language pathologists about their training and the role that they have in working with students who have communication delays who have also been involved in violence (Brown et al, 2004).
Too often I have overheard conversations where an elderly person has difficulty speaking and others with whom the person is trying to communicate show disrespect because of the effort needed for self-expression.
I need to be more vocal and a better advocate for those who have difficulty fending for themselves. I should be more willing to confront difficult situations.
Lalayants and Adamy (2011) discuss in their paper methods in which a multidisciplinary
approach improves the quality of service delivered by human service agencies like child
protection services and examines how data-mining of available agency information can be
utilized in human service agencies (Lalayants & Adamy, 2011).
Although I have had limited involvement with human service agencies and their direct
dealings with those for whom they care, I need to be open-minded and realize that each agency
have strengths and weaknesses.
If I need to work directly with human service agencies and their delivery of care, I need
Legg (2004) discussed how caring for a patient who has suffered a stroke on a unit
specifically designed for such patients is beneficial for inpatients, but in an after-care setting, the
results are not as clear-cut (Legg, 2004).
Having had several elderly relatives who have suffered strokes not is able to return home
after their hospitalizations, I have seen the benefits of step-down units. My relatives were always
on a stroke floor inpatient and in the general population in the step-down unit.
If I have relatives that have inpatient care for strokes on a step-down unit in the future I
will be more attune to their specific needs being met.
Lorber et al (2004) attest that people who are incarcerated should receive the same level of care for their diabetes as set by national standards for other citizens (Lorber et al., 2004).
Having diabetic relatives I am aware that there are specific needs for their care that need to be addressed on a consistent basis to ensure their good health.
When I am able to find the records of politicians who are running for office it would behoove me to know their stance on inmate health care needs.
McCoy et al (2004) write that people who are incarcerated and suffer from mental illness are at a high-risk after their release to be non-compliant with treatment and therefore have an increased risk of re-arrest (McCoy et al., 2004)
I know from acquaintances who suffer from mental illness that compliance with medication and treatment are essential for their stability and quality of life.
If I am in a situation where I am aware of a person who is a former convict and suffers from mental illness I can be astute and try to see if they are being compliant in their care, and if not, try to encourage them to do so.
Piat et al (2004) ascertain that different people involved in foster homes that deal with the mentally ill involve different perspectives by the respective caregivers (Piat et al., 2004).
Listening to caregivers complain about their hardships and not being supportive in their role is something which I should never have done, but have done in an unintentional manner.
Fostering any person takes a person who possesses a special gift and talent. Offering them support in their role may assist them in keeping their resolve in their decision.
Schroeder et al (2004) discusses the World Health Organization report on changes that people can make to improve their own health (Schroeder et al., 2004).
I have some poor health habits of my own that I mean to change but keep putting off the opportunities that I have to do so.
Not only should I take positive steps to improve my own health, I should encourage others who wish to improve themselves as well.
Bogduk, N. (2004, January 19, 2004). Management of Chronic Low Back Pain. Medical Journal of Australia, 180.2, 79-83. Retrieved from
Browman, T., Ramona, M., & M, J. (2004, March/April 2004). Emergency Department: Improving Patients Satisfaction. Nursing Economics, 22.2, 71-4, 55. Retrieved from
Davis, B. A., Shenk, K. D., & Smith, J. M. (2012, June, 2012). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Detecting and Responding to Elder Mistreatment. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 276-290.
J, B., Brown, M., Montgomery, J., & Hellerich, S. (2004, January 2004). Speech-Language Pathologists’ Opinion on Communication Disorders and Violence. Language, Speech Hearing Services in Schools, 35, 16-29. Retrieved from
Lalayants, E. M., & Adamy, D. (2011). Multidisciplinary consultation in child protection: A clinical data-mining evaluation. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20, 156-166. doi: 156-166. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2397.2010.00741.x
Legg, L. (2004, January 31, 2004). Rehabilitation Therapy Services for Stroke Patients Living at Home: Systematic Review of Randomized Trials. The Lancet, 363.9406, 352-356. Retrieved from
Lorber, D., Chavez, S., Dorman, J., & Fisher, L. (2004, January 2004). Diabetes Management in Correctional Institutions. American Diabetes Association: Clinical Practice, 27, s114-21. Retrieved from
McCoy, M. L., Roberts, D. L., Hanrahan, P., Clay, R., & Luchins, D. J. (2004, Winter 2004). Jail Linkage Assertive Community Treatment Services for Individuals with Mental Illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27.3, 243-250. Retrieved from$5bqueryType$3dadvanced:shell$3b+sortType$3dDateAsc$3b+searchTerms$3d$5b$3cAND$7ccitationBodyTags:Multidisciplinary+Approach+collaboration$3e$5d$3b+searchParameters$3d$7bRS$3dOP,+NAVIGATORS$3dsourcetypenav,pubtitlenav,objecttypenav,languagenav$28filter$3d200$2f0$2f*$29,decadenav$28filter$3d110$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,yearnav$28filter$3d1100$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,yearmonthnav$28filter$3d120$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,monthnav$28sort$3dname$2fascending$29,daynav$28sort$3dname$2fascending$29,+flags$3dFT+PeerReview+ScholarlyJournals,+chunkSize$3d20,+date$3dAFTER:2003,+instance$3dprod.academic,+ftblock$3d1+194113+113+660848+670831+194001+670829+194000+660843+660840,+removeDuplicates$3dtrue$7d$3b+metaData$3d$7bUsageSearchMode$3dQuickSearch,+dbselections$3d10000157,+fdbok$3dN,+siteLimiters$3dAgeGroupNAHS,_$25SourceType,_$25DocumentType,_$25Language$7d$5d?accountid=27965
Piat, M., Perreault, M., & Ioannou, D. (2004, Winter 2004). Stakeholder Perspectives on Psychiatric Foster Homes: Residents, Families, Caregivers and Professionals. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 27.3, 228-234. Retrieved from
Schroeder, K., Fahey, T., Ebrahim, S., & Peter, T. (2004, January 2004). Adherence to Long Term Therapies: Recent WHO Report Provides Some Answers but Poses even more questions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57.1, 2-3. Retrieved from