Project Proposal
Project Proposal
1. Topic
This paper will discuss intellectual property and the ethical issues that surround it. Given the intangible nature of intellectual property, the limitations with regards to its use can be quite ambiguous which can lead to a lot controversy. While intellectual property theft is definitely considered unethical, the intangible nature of intellectual property makes its proper use quite difficult to safeguard such that in the end its proper use will be highly dependent on a person’s personal ethics.
2. Working Title
Intellectual Property: What is the Right Balance?
3. Position or Thesis on the Topic (maintaining that certain practices are right, wrong or morally neutral either always or under specified condition)
Intellectual property theft is unethical, but with the vast amount of digital information that’s available online, it can be hard to keep track of the manner by which every piece of intellectual property is used. As such, not only is it necessary to implement laws that would safeguard the use of intellectual property; it would be just as important for Internet users to develop the ethical values that would guide their actions with regards to their treatment of intellectual property.
4. A roadmap outlining what I will attempt to do in my paper
Introduction to Intellectual Property Theft
Definition of Intellectual Property
Historical Background on Intellectual Property Theft
Ethical Issues Surrounding Intellectual Property
Reasons Behind the Prevalence of Intellectual Property Theft
Laws and Measures Against Intellectual Property Theft
Examples of Court Cases that Involve Intellectual Property Theft
Challenges Faced by Efforts to Protect Intellectual Property
Recommendations to Curtail Actions that Involve Intellectual Property Theft
Summary and Conclusion