The human resource departments of progressive organizations are providing monetary and nonmonetary benefits to all their employees in order to cultivate organizational commitment within them. However, the ethical values are not the defining characteristics of the latest form of the company in the modern era of the 21st century. The companies nowadays operate in order to create profitability and liquidity so that they can payout dividends. The salaries are recorded as regular expenses in the accounting system. The organizational setups consider human development as the basis of organizational one, and therefore, they are following flexible and organic cultures so that the human capital can feel at home while doing their professional duties in the corporate entities of the modern stature. The companies are finding it hard to prevent the workers from predicating their dissatisfactions from some aspect of their job structure. The employees always want more out of their jobs in order to feel more and more secure with the passage of time. Additionally, they eventually experience psychological contract breach that impresses them to quit the jobs. The organizational setup and employees both suffer in this regard. The competent professional finds a new placement, but the companies have to go through the irritating process of recruitment and selection once again. The managerial staff of the companies is of the view that everyone is replaceable, and it is often the case, but employees have to posses the personalities that must go along with the organizational culture well enough.
The companies are trying to bribe their employees into holding their ties with them by offering medical coverage to their families. The companies have to drive down the costs in order to enhance their profitability, and it is their top concern under all circumstances. However, the companies succumb to downsizing that they usually refer to as rightsizing so that the message of softness can be conveyed to the workers. The employees have become expensive in the latest times when the governments have barred the companies to provide economical health services to their workforces. The companies are more sensible than the governmental systems think they are because they tailor their operations in order to house employees who are essential to the survival of the systems. The managers have to hire temporary employees in order to cope with the hi-days of the business. They keep on hiring and firing employees according to their current needs of human capital. The permanent workforce qualifies as legal receivers of healthcare benefits that is kept to minimal levels by operating with the help of maintaining skeleton crew.
The healthcare benefits have caused trouble for employees because the unemployment has grown because the workers have grown in terms of their organizational costs. The businesses do not have the humanistic ability and capability to provide for health expenses of employees because they are majorly attached with the need to create economic success, and workers’ welfare is just another liability that companies have to face in the modern times that they have a determination to invade against all costs.
The governments have to step forth in this regard, and dedicate some percentage of corporate tax towards sponsoring healthcare in community hospitals so that workers and general public do not have to go to expensive facilities. The governments do not have the option to outsource their responsibilities on to others in the hopes that businesses will serve the social causes when they have to fulfill fiscal and economic ones in the brink of toughening competition that is using both ethical and unethical means to gain competitive advantage in the game of corporate warfare.
The companies cannot implement cheap welfare programs for employees because they are facing newest strategic needs to control cost structures in order to increase their profit in upcoming fiscal periods. In the given long term implications, one can only hope against the hope that organizations will adhere with governmental policies that warrant provision of health incentive for the employees, and managers. The health coverage represents an increasing expense due to constant incremental trend in the relevant costs of the industry. The companies need to avoid such expenses that can grow with unprecedented rate without any prior notice. However, the governments have to work their way into the current culture of the field of healthcare, and make the professionals realize that who they once were in order to straighten the direction of the most civilized line of work that has received contamination from the prevalent economic theory of the world.
This paper has been written in order to highlight the recent pronounced developments in the organizational science that is harboring a drama of providing nonmonetary benefits that include healthcare benefits. The companies do not fully fulfill their promises in this regard, and the employees quit when the managers do not meet their expectations, and the companies are nowadays facing problems in retaining their workforce because their needs and wants are growing with every passing moment.
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