All people are created equally.
When a child is born into this world, the right of equality is being given to him by default. This right is granted to a newborn by God, as well as by the Constitutions and bills of rights of most of the countries. Probably, we cannot say for sure that all of the people were created with equal physical, intellectual or mental abilities, but this doesn’t mean that a person should not have a right to be treated as the equal one. And who is in position to decide whether you are equal to someone or not? Obviously, no one has a power to do so. But nevertheless, there a lot of such individuals in our present world, and so was it throughout the whole course of history, who could and can easily decide upon this question. And such statements are made just for a purpose of control of those, who believe in such misleading concept.
Racism can cost people jobs due to the hiring manager not liking the certain person applying for a job.
This negative feature of a modern society can come into your way basically anywhere or any time in our lives: at your local society, on a street, at school, kindergarten, at work. And for an adult person, racism at work could one of the worst case scenarios that can possibly happen. Not only can you be treated as an outcast on your work place, but you might not even get a chance to get that job, because of a racist manager or any other staff member, who will dislike and disapprove you in the result. Big and self-respecting companies are usually protecting their employees by having laws against such a prejudiced and disrespectful treatment of a human being. Unfortunately, those laws do not work all the time.
Works cited
Charmaine, A. N. Camille, A. N. Racism, Eh?: A Critical Inter-disciplinary Anthology of Race and Racism in Canada. Web. 2004