The study has focused on the topic of substance abuse among African American teen residing in Mott Haven area of Bronx United States. The paper has started by giving an overview that entails defining the topic’s key terms. Also, the study has highlighted and discussed the statistics showing the frequency of drug and substance abuse among the African American youngsters. As the report has indicated, the teens fall under the age bracket of 12 to 17 years. The paper has explained the drugs abused most by the youngsters with alcohol taking the lead, followed by marijuana, inhalants as well as sedatives. Furthermore, the study has identified the reasons behind indulging in substance abuse by the large number of teens living in Mott Haven area of Bronx. The contributing factors cited include poverty, homelessness, peer influence and unemployment. The report has ended by citing the consequences that arise following involvement in drug use. Secondary sources of data have assisted in completing the course work.
1.0 Introduction
The work of Maran (2003) defines substance abuse as the patterned intake of a drug where the user consumes the substance either through the mouth, sniffing or injections, ultimately resulting in complications such as health disorders. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) argue that abuse can harm one’s body and be detrimental to other people as well. Drugs or substances mostly abused include alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, barbiturates, opioids, substituted amphetamines among others. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) term such substances as chemicals narcotics or hallucinogens that when used impose adverse effects on an individual's central nervous system causing the change in behaviour. A teen under the influence of such substances has a high like hood of engaging in antisocial actions such as crime leading to criminal penalties. Turning to Maran (2003), one finds that young people in Mott Have area of Bronx falling in the age bracket of 12 to 17 years engage in substance abuse mostly because of factors such as peer influence, curiosity and undesirable parenting.
2.0 Discussion
National analysis of drug addiction amongst African American teens revealed that the youngsters in Mott Haven area of Bronx had a considerable rate of drug-related disorders as a result of the perennial use of drugs (Maran, 2003). Close to 6% of the African American household population aged 12 to 17 engage in selling as well as abuse on a current basis. Credible evidence concerning the topic reveals that the teens in the stipulated age bracket have tried to use an illicit drug. According to Maran (2003), ninety percent of the teens indulging in substance abuse use marijuana also known as hashish as well as alcohol. The study also showed that a third of the population use cocaine. The teens engage in substance abuse by taking a prescription type of drug for non-medical reasons. Maran (2003) notes that use of other illicit drugs including hallucinogens, inhalants and psychotherapeutics is prevalent among the young African American residing in Mott Have area of Bronx. Ann (2001) postulates that despite a heavy ban on use and selling of Rohypnol, a drug termed as a powerful sedative, the teens still indulge in abuse though secretly not to be noticed by authorities. The group also engages in the use of several ‘club drugs' that has reached a wider teen audience. The club drugs include Ketamine, Quaaludes, MDMA, LSD and Xanax. The substances have over the years gained popularity among the youth.
The case shows that a relatively high number of African American residing in Mott Haven area indulge in drug and substance use. Approximately 15, 000 adolescents of age 12 to 17 years admitted to drug and alcohol, abuse of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, sedatives and tranquilizers as well as stimulants and amphetamines. Ann (2001) explains that Mott Haven serves as the residential neighbourhood of the Bronx in the New York City. The city has an occupation of approximately 16 to 17% African Americans. Statistics show that Mott Haven has a high rate of teen unemployment (Ann, 2001). The level went high with 28.4 % in the year 2014 amongst the young resident of the area. Most of the African American youths dabble with drinking and drugs use following an acute lack of sufficient resources for the 12 to 17 age bracket.
A study conducted in the area showed that the teens indulged most in marijuana use. Inhalants came second and painkillers third in the category. A growing body of research revealed that the acute levels of substance abuse among the African American teens have become a major public health issue (Ann, 2001). The use of and the frequency of drug and substance-related disorders have risen to worrying levels among the teens residing in the Mott Haven area of Bronx. A study conducted to establish the total number of African American teens having health disorders as a result of indulging in substance abuse revealed that one in every 12 individuals had developed a health problem following a consistent use of alcohol, marijuana, sedatives and inhalants. As Ann (2001) points out Bronx city has in the last few years made headlines following the sharp levels of the heroin trade in the area. The media has for years reported increasing levels of death involving young African American living in Mott Haven area in Bronx.
The fatalities occurred following a drug overdose among the teens that had little or no knowledge regarding the maximum level of intake which if exceeded would be disastrous to the user. Ann (2001) notes, that in Bronx, drug trafficking and substance use has over the last few years reached intolerable levels. Credible sources reported an increase in the number of deaths caused by heroin overdose among African American teens (Ann, 2001). The 2010-2013 statistics carried by the New York City Health Department showcased that the African American male teens were most vulnerable to lethal heroine and related substance overdoses. Reliable figures showed that the African American youths contributed to a 65 percent heroin overdoses, a rise from the previous year that had reported a 56% fatalities caused by drug overdose among the group in the area (Ann, 2001).
The New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse attributed the high rate of drug and substance abuse among the young individuals to high poverty rates inflicting teen’s families. As Maran (2003) perceptively state some African American Teens in residing in Mott Have area of Bronx turn self-living rooms to drug dens. The teens have turned the use into business selling substances such as marijuana, heroin and cocaine to addicts where the youth charge the addicts $2 to use the residences (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). The increased use and abuse of the drugs among the teens became so conspicuous to an extent that the Office of National Drug Control Policy labelled Mott Haven as a high-intensity drug and substance trafficking region. VIP Services, one of the multiple clinics in based in Bronx reported that the African American teen abused heroine most (Maran, 2003). The health centre indicated that the problem of the drug use among the youth aged 12-17 seemed not to end soon. The clinic gave a report stating that approximately 50, 00 patients of African American Origin went seeking treatment in the Arthur Avenue treatment centre yearly (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008).
The demographic analysis indicated that most of the clients having an African origin were individuals of years 12- 17. The revelation reported an extremely high rate of substance abuse among teens. The health facility quoted some of the teens stating that they acted as a magnet for drug dealers. The city has experienced a rising level of drug traffickers who had reported large amounts of drugs as well as a copious stream of merchants crisscrossing Bronx streets. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) have drawn attention to the fact that a larger number of the drug sellers canvassing the city's streets comprise of African American teens who have been rendered homeless by poverty. The sellers are usually heard stating that they receive a constant demand from drug addicts most of them being African America teens (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008).
The city’s administration reported an influx in the number of drug dealers and users fuelled by a vicious cycle of poverty as well as desperation among the African American teens. Drug and alcohol use statistics revealed that current substance abuse among the African American teens in Bronx recorded 33.8% (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). The percentage representing the use of marijuana stood at 17.3%, cocaine 4.2%, ecstasy 4.65 and methamphetamine 3.0%. Ann (2001) claims that the African-American Bronx teens are at high risk of drug use, a scenario that may result in mental health disorder as well as sexual risk behaviour. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) note that African American teen alcohol and drug abuse in Bronx is a cause for concern. Acute substance use among the youths aged 13 to 19 resulted in approximately 300 hospitalizations and a considerable number of fatalities. The heightened use exposes the teens to high sexual risk behaviour, for example, having multiple sexual partners, using condoms inconsistently and a high likelihood of acquiring HIV and related sexually transmitted ailments (Ann, 2001).
Research undertaken in the city revealed that a large group of African American teens representing 21% got incarcerated as a result of indulging in antisocial behaviour when under the influence of alcohol and other substances such as cocaine and marijuana. According to Ann (2001), the last five years have witnessed an alarming trend in the use of illegal drugs, tobacco and alcohol among African American youth residing in Mott Have in Bronx. Ann (2001) notes that substance abuse has made the youth develop life-long dependency problems as well as related health risks. The teens commence behaviours such as smoking cigarettes at intervals, a situation that ultimately makes the children become perennial smokers. Health report released by the medical department in Bronx country expressed fears on the increased substance use, stating that the indulgence has significantly shortened the youngster’s lives significantly (Maran, 2003).
The Columbia University centre on drug addiction and substance abuse observed that the teens start by using light drugs and the gradually graduate to using heavy substances such as cocaine and heroin (Maran, 2003). The Institutions reports further revealed that the substance abuse by the teens has gone up by almost 150 percent relative to the previous years. Maran (49) terms the rise that has reached epidemic scales as alarmingly high. Maran (2003) has expressed a view that the administration in Bronx County should craft strategies to reverse the high substance abuse prevalence, especially among African American teens. The use of drugs in the area has led to other forms of unproductive behaviour, for example, premature sexual activity that exposes the attendants to unwanted pregnancies risks as well as contacting of sexually transmitted maladies (Ann, 2001). The incessant drug use has also led to the occurrence of juvenile delinquency and involvement in the county's criminal justice system. Previous studies have revealed that use of heroin among African American teens residing in Mott Have Bronx has doubled reaching 2.4 per cent.
An article by Ann (2001) explains that Marijuana use has continued to be a problem and a source of concern following increased use by the teens hailing from the race. A growing body of evidence reported worrying statistics, which showed that for every four African American teens in Bronx one used marijuana on a past month basis. The number continues to increase day by day. Ann (2001) notes that the drug accounts for most of the increase in substance use engagement among the teens aged 12 to seventeen. The usage rate among the age group has over the years augmented from 6% to 8.2 percent equivalent of 37 per cent increase (Maran, 2003).
The work of Maran (2003) indicates that the teens abuse alcohol most. Maran (2003) however notes that although some few cases still exist, approximately two percent of twelfth teen graders still abuse cocaine. The eighth graders living in the area has a high cocaine prevalence compared to teens in other grades. The National House Hold Survey on drug addiction and mental Health services indicated that Methamphetamine use has augmented among the teens (Maran, 2003). Moreover, the National Institute of Justice Drug Use, a program that tests the teens arrested for drug use revealed that substance abuse has gone high in most homeless households in Bronx. The agency noted with concern that Methamphetamine use is high among the race in Mott Have area of Bronx. The American Drug use Profile noted an increase in tobacco and related products use among the African American teens (Maran, 2003). Current research on the topic shows that a third of teens aged 12 to 17 years smoked cigarettes causing health problems as well as considerable fatalities. The percentage noted are high than at any other time. Methamphetamine is the second most drug used by the teens while inhalants come third. The use of is high among the eighth, tenth and twelfth graders. 8.8 percent of twelfth graders abuse LSD. Analysis conducted in the year 2014 in Mott Have in Bronx revealed that approximately 24% of African American teens aged 12 to 17 years indicated that they can always obtain Hashish if they wanted some(Maran, 2003). 1.6 % stated that it was easy to get heroin while 0.9 reported that they could access cocaine any time the teens were in need of some.
Lack of jobs serves as one of the primary reason the African American teens engage in high rates of drug and substance use. High school dropout in the area contributes to the considerable levels of teen unemployment levels in Mott Haven (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). Extended periods of joblessness among the African American Teens often result in desperation and stress ultimately making the teen start indulging in substance abuse to seek solace. Moreover, homelessness acts as a contributing factor to the high rate of drug and drug abuse amongst the teens in Mott Haven (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). A large number of youths engaging in abuse of marijuana, alcohol and heroine are homeless. A growing body of research shows that Bronx has a shocking landscape of homelessness in New York City. Maran (2003) explains that the area has the highest rates of families without homes. Census conducted revealed that the region has an 83% scale of families who lack a place they can call home.
The scenario makes the teen to such families susceptible to indulging in substance use. The homelessness state makes the African America Teens mix with already existing drug users who introduce the innocent individuals into the habits of drug and substance abuse. Ann (2001) notes that social problem substantially contributes to the high rate of teen engagement in drug addiction in Mott Haven. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) report that the area has numerous problems linked to poverty, an issue that has plagued the county for years. Increased teen school dropout rates and drastic violence levels amongst youngsters of age 12 to 17 years reflect the flaring levels of drug and substance use. An anonymous resident in the area was quoted saying the rising levels of substance use have contributed to low test scores as well as high truancy rates. In a study of Inciardi and McElrath (2008), Ann (2001) found that Mott Haven area of Bronx is a lucrative trade zone within the community contributing to a notable number of teens becoming addicts to substances such as sedatives, marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Ann (2001) postulates that the areas have had flaring levels of peer pressure among the African American teens, emanating from youth coming from broken homes (Maran, 2003). Drug abuse has contributed to considerable crime and juvenile incarceration rates in the area (Ann, 2001). The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services reported that long-term drug use among the teens' brought about social and health costs to the African American household families (Ann, 2001).
The agency noted increased drug-related illnesses, fatalities and atrocity costs across the entire county of Bronx (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). The high substance use has over the years made the county population incur extra expense related to teen health care, expenses related to vehicle accidents, delinquency, additional law enforcement costs as well as lost productivity following high substance about among the young group. Inciardi and McElrath (2008) assert that rising scales of illicit drug use hurts the tens families, businesses as well as the county’s neighbourhoods. High substance abuse impedes the teen’s education and constraints Bronx as well as entire American criminal justice, health and social services (Maran, 2003). The Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) noted that Mott Haven area of Bronx has experienced increased teen health consequences after a study on drug-related hospital emergency room episodes over the last five years (Maran, 2003). The agency provided a viable snapshot of the health implications of the Mott Have area of Bronx teen drug menace. DAWN noted that the figures collected indicated a significant rise in drug-related emergency department episodes over the past five years.
The agency took note with concern the historic cocaine use record that has conspicuously advanced as well as heroin-related emergencies (Maran, 2003). Moreover, the institution pointed out that a meaningful change occurred in the number of Methamphetamine episodes between 2010 and 2014. Statistics revealed that the county recorded approximately 25% teen fatalities linked with illegal drug abuse among individuals aged 12 to 17 years. The group registered a historically elevated rate of health related disorders because of drug use (Maran, 2003). The institution, however, noted that the complication was prevalent amongst male African American teens than female teens of the same race. DAWN reported that HIV/AIDs spread has grown fast in Mott Have area of Bronx causing deaths following engagement in illegal drug abuse among the teens (Maran, 2003). Use of injection when taking drugs has contributed approximately 33 percent of new AIDS cases affecting the injecting drug users as well as sexual partners who indulge in irresponsible sex when under the influence of narcotics (Maran, 2003). Several homeless households in Mott Haven area of Bronx have reported that cases of maladies such as tuberculosis and hepatitis amongst the teens who have engaged in perennial drug use (Ann, 2001). The high underage drug and substance use has contributed to premature death among the African American teens residing in Mott Have area of Bronx (Inciardi & McElrath, 2008). The county’s administration should take urgent corrective measures to minimize the ever rising chronic drug use.
3.0 Conclusion
Substance abuse among young African-American teens has taken a toll on the Mott Haven society. The long term use has turned the young generation to zombies further jeopardizing the young people's futures and curtailing their dreams. The quality of life among the households of the teens has diminished following increased drug-related criminal behaviour. Failure to impose stringent control measures will turn the entire Mott Haven area of Bronx the hub of drug and substance trafficking. Parents’ fraternity in Mott Haven area of Bronx should sensitize the children on dangers of indulging in substance abuse. The initiative would raise the regions inhabitants by significantly minimizing drug-abuse related violence and atrocities. Quitting drug use as well trafficking would help Mott Haven regain the lost glory as well as obtain a positive reputation that is currently tainted following the high rate of drug use and trade in the county. Enacting stringent policies and punitive measure for drug users and peddlers would greatly contribute in cutting the drug supply chain as well as minimizing the level of use among the African American Teens. Renewing the regions commitment to drug prevention can contribute in deterring the teens attempting to abuse drugs the first time. The research has explicitly shown that most teens start with light substances such as alcohol and tobacco and later progress to using hard drugs for example cocaine and heroin. Drug prevention strategies would halt the progression from using the light drugs to illicit ones. The parents of Children in Mott Haven area of Bronx should provide the teens with mentors who would act as a source of inspiration ultimately aiding the teens quit substance abuse. The administration should avail education, prevention and treatment to the teens caught in the grip of drug and substance abuse, thereby helping the individuals to contribute to the building of the county wholesomely. Upholding the legal system would significantly help in bringing the offenders such as drug traffickers who disregard the county laws to justice. The administrators should work in coordination and cooperate in stopping the insidious illegal substance trade that has tainted the reputation of Mott Haven area of Bronx. Using the appropriate resources, programs and initiatives would have a significant impact towards making inroads in overcoming the drug menace in Mott Haven. Embracing the National Drug Control Strategy would play a crucial role in reducing the illicit drug use and trafficking. Ensuring a drug free county should be the administrator’s mission. Quitting drug and substance abuse would contribute in helping the affected as well as the youth intending to indulge in substance abuse to fulfil dreams. The initiative would further help realize the county’s ideals of democracy.
Inciardi, J., & McElrath, K. (2008). The American Drug Scene: An Anthology. New York: Oxford UP.
Maran, M. (2003). Dirty: A Search for Answers Inside America's Teenage Drug Epidemic. San Franscisco: HarperSan Francisco.
Ann, A.(2001). Rise in Ecstasy Use Among American Teens Begins to Slow U of Bronx News and Information Services. N.p.
Figure 1.0 Top drugs among teen in Mott Have area