Both authors contend that scholars play a critical role in activism. Craig, in his foreword, recognizes that activism is a matter analyzing the existing methods rather than plain advocacy. It is the role of activist scholars to produce new knowledge in the science of their interest. Laura Pulido in her article ‘frequently unasked questions about being a scholar activist’ notes that it is rewarding to engage in academic activism owing to the responsibility one assumes. Choices on social issues have consequences for scholars, which they are proud to live with since they are in line with what they believe. Further, Craig notes that phronesis is as important as Sophia in the resolution of problems facing the society. In this regard, He adduces that the scientists need to use applied knowledge to the solution of problems facing society. The activist scholars are advised to provide more solutions to the masses rather than target at providing solutions to a few elite in power. By providing new knowledge to the public and make it available for public consumption, the scholars are able to influence public agenda by stimulating debate over their ideas. Laura adds to the importance of living out life honestly on all spheres for activist students. The discourse aroused by persons in leadership should address a genuine cause devoid of personal motivations.
The claims of Laura Paulido are based on observation and experience. She is a comrade and scholar activist writing this piece to motivate fellow scholars and activists. Further, her findings are based on research conducted over various subjects with the aim of proving her assertions. She addresses the discrimination of minority groups in the work force and the tactics employed by organizations in refuting and covering up for such discriminations. Craigs claims are made from an evaluation of previous literatures and academic works. He utilizes sources such as Aristotle and Davydd Greenwood in his evaluation of his subjects.
Laura Paulido finds, and in the course of her research, she found out that there were ethical issues arising out of her expected responsibility for her research subjects. The human nature of most social science research subjects makes it imperative that scholar students take into account the ethical consideration in terms of handling subjects. She does not propose a readymade solution to this issue, but rather, recommends a situational and individual approach to each situation. Craig, on the other hand, notes that the activist scholar faces the challenge of conducting an evaluation within a society of potentially, more educated than the scholar activist. In the occurrence of such a situation, the scholar activist should evaluate the knowledge and competencies of the individuals they will work with prospectively, and prepare an engagement worthy of its respondent. The knowledge held by the respondent is crucial as they hold the particular knowledge needed in the resolution of a certain problem. This problem would be circumvented by a change in attitude of the scholar activists towards their study subjects.
The films play the role of informing/ providing additional information on the particular knowledge on the topic of minority discrimination. Largely, the movies discredit the common perception of the abolition of exclusive programs and the promotion of universal opportunity for everyone. The movies provoke a feeling of pity towards the victims of such discrimination while at the same time invoking a feeling of anger towards the perpetrators of misleading perception towards public pacification. The articles and the films relate in that all are activist materials, and are produced for the advancement of respectable causes. The movies represent discrimination of minority individuals in various institutions, being the movie industry and the UCLA University. The materials relate to the course in that they all address the issue of activism, the various forms of activism and the pitfalls student activist should avoid whilst going about their business. The content of all the materials is similar, all the materials concentrating on the activism as studied under the unit.