Hook: China is a country located in East Asia and has an area of 9,596961 square kilometers. United States is a country located in North America and has an area of 9,826675 square kilometers. The People’s Republic of China has led in civilization majorly arts and sciences and outpaced most countries in the world. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, there has been an autocratic socialist system to ensure China’s sovereignty. Consequently, the Chinese government imposes strict rules and censorship to its citizens. In the early 20th Century, the leaders of China focused on new ways of economic development that transforms the country drastically (Buzan and Michael 111). Currently, the population, living standards, and personal choice decisions have improved greatly as political control remains tight. China continues to increase its global outreach and participation in international welfare. In the past, United States of America had 13 states, but after breaking with Britain who colonized the country, there was an additional of 37 new states. All the states spread across the North American continent (Buzan and Michael 112). Traumatic experiences in the country include Civil war (1861-1865) the Great Depression (1930), and the Terrorist Attack (September 2011) (Linlin 163). The United States of America has emerged victorious in World War I and II, and this enables the country to remain as the world’s superpower. America experiences a steady economic growth and benefits largely from advancement in technology.
China is the world’s fourth largest country and has Mount Everest, as the largest peak. America is the third largest country and has Mt. McKinley as the highest point in the country. China and United States are participants of international organizations such as ISO, ILO, UNESCO, WTO, among other organizations. China moves from a centrally planned system to a market oriented economy system. China is the world largest exporter with over $ 2.05 trillion in exports (Linlin 163). China began reforms in the agricultural sector, expansion to cater for market liberalization, fiscal decentralization, autonomy of the state enterprises, a diversified banking system, a strong private sector, and a stable foreign investment. The Chinese government implements reforms in the country in a gradual fashion. China supports state corporations to provide economic security for the people and foster global competition. The Chinese government devalued its currency against the United States dollar in 2005 (Linlin 165). Currently China adopts an exchange rate system that has appreciated more than 20 percent to the dollar. In the onset of global financial crisis, the currency of the county has links to the dollar to permit resumption of a gradual appreciation. In 2012, China stands as the second largest economy after the United States (Linlin 165). The country’s agricultural and industrial output exceeds those in the United States. Some of the economic difficulties in the country includes, reducing the high domestic saving rate in relation to a low domestic demand. The country has to address the capacity of sustaining the employment of migrants as well as a new entrant in the labor market. The country is dealing with the issue of corruption as well other crimes in the economy (Buzan and Michael 109). Lastly, China has to deal with the environmental problems and social strife in the face of rapid transformation. There is economic progression along the interior coast of China coupled with enormous urban migration in search of employment. The government of China adopts a population policy of one child per family that makes it one of the most aging countries worldwide. The industrial sector causes a lot of deterioration to the environment due to the emissions of over 2.1 billion tons of carbon emission in the production of cement and gas flaring. There is steady fall of the water table, and this leads to the country to lose land for cultivation purpose due to soil erosion (Buzan and Michael 111). The government of China plans to install alternative energy sources. China faced high inflation during the global financial crisis and the credit fueled stimulus program. In this view, the government puts an emphasis on economic reforms to increase the country domestic consumption. This will ensure the country’s local consumption is not dependent on the export market.
Nationalists from either country speak in different dialects. China has the following dialects Mandarin, Wu, Xiag, Gan, Hakaa, and Tibetan that spreads among the 27 provinces. America adopts English as an official language in 28 states. Other languages include Hawaiian, Spanish, Asian, and other European dialects. United States of America has one of the best economic development and technological advancement in the world. The county has a GDP of $49800 and adopts a liberal market economy where entrepreneurs and senior people in firms make decisions (Buzan and Michael 112. The Federal government buys products from the private firms. Most firms in the country are flexible in their expansion plans, and in developing new products in the market. The nation faces barriers of accessing foreign markets while the county supports foreign investment in the local industry. United States deploys technological advancement in most of the sectors such as health care, military, and aerospace. The application of technological infrastructure enables a two-tier labor market. The federal government of United States increases gains in household income in dividends and capital gains. Between 2001 and 2006 the price of houses escalated, crude oil prices doubled as many individual were unable to complete their mortgage payments (Buzan and Michael 112). The dampening of the housing market and high prices in crude oil led to devaluation of the dollar in the international market. In 2008, the country experienced a financial crisis due to fall of home prices, mortgage crisis, failure of investment banks, and a global economic downturn (Xu and Huiyu 75).
Both countries constitution advocate for the rights of citizens. The constitution of The People’s Republic cites that the people have unlimited limitation to master the country. The United States constitution provides and promotes the liberty by establishing justice and peace in the country.This situation pushed the country in a period of economic recession that resembles the Great Depression. This led to the establishment of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) with a fund of $ 700 billion to assist the country in stabilizing (Buzan and Michael 112). In 2009, the United States Congress provides an additional $787 billion to create more employment for the Americans and economy recovery (Xu and Huiyu 75). The country has used colossal financial resource in the impending War in Iraq and Afghanistan that has led to public debt. United States has one of the largest debts in the world totaling to $487 billion. In 2010, the president assents to the bill that will provide health care to the American citizens up to 2016(Linlin 164). Some of the challenges in the country include the stagnation of wages for the lower social class that has persistently remained low even after a high cost of living in the country (Linlin 164). The country has inadequate investment to rectify the deteriorating infrastructure. The Americans face a skyrocketing medical costs, energy shortages, budget deficits, and pension costs for the aged in the society. In 2010, the president assents to the bill that will seek to reform the financial institutions and protect consumers from collapse in their investments.
In conclusion, America has an elected government that is legitimate. The government consists of three arms of government the judicial, legislative, and executive that work separate with checks and balances. The Chinese government authority lies with the Chinese Communist Party. This party has autocratic leadership with no separation of power, independent press, or checks and balances.
Works Cited
Buzan, Barry, and Michael Cox. "China And The US: Comparable Cases Of ‘Peaceful Rise’?." Chinese Journal of International Politics 6.2 (2013): 109-132.
Linlin, Pang. "Matchmaking via the Personal Advertisements In China Versus In The United States." Journal of Popular Culture 27.1 (1993): 163-170.
Xu, Hua, and Huiyu Cui. "Personal Income Tax Policy in China and the United States: A Comparative Analysis." Public Administration Review 69.(2009): S75-S81