According to the United Nations website, the list of Sustainable Development Goals the United Nations agreed are important for the world are; “No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-Being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth; Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life On Land: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships for the goals.” At first glance, these goals seem utopian, as they represent the ultimate dream of a wonderful life for all of earth’s inhabitants. However, they might not all be achievable by 2030, unless drastic actions take place and are supported by a large partnership of developed countries.
There is only one Earth and only one human species. For the survival of all it is essential that all humans help each other achieve these goals. Steps to achieve these goals takes the courage for each individual to step out of his or her comfort zone and realize that there are millions of people who need help to improve their life in simple ways. All living things deserve basic clean air, water, and soil. With those basics covered, other adequate needs can be met, such as an education, housing, and a sustainable income. Once those needs are met, the world can solve other problems on the list.
It is possible that a few Sustainable Development Goals might be achievable by 2030. In order for many of the goals to become a reality, several of them must be taken care of first. Clean water is perhaps one of the most important as every living thing on the planet deserves clean water. There was enough clean water for everyone before humans came along and started dumping trash, toxins, into the water and on land. Many toxic materials seep through the ground and end up in the aquifer systems of the world. The next big goal to conquer is zero hunger. Clean water and good food are two goals that go hand in hand. Everyone deserves good, organic food that is not filled with chemicals or genetically modified in any way. In order to have clean water and food, the procedures for manufacturing must be changed so the air, water, and soil are not being polluted or destroyed.
Each of the Sustainability Development Goals builds on and is dependent on another Sustainability Development Goal. For example, if the goal is to feed the world, then clean air, water, and soil are a goal that needs to be addressed first. Another foundation goal that other goals depend on, is a quality education. With a quality education, poverty, decent work, and sustainable communities can be solved. Those are goals worth striving for and might be solvable by 2030.
The most effective way to achieve any goal is to incorporate team members. It seems that the United Nations, as a group, has collected the top seventeen issues that face the twenty-first century. What is most needed is that every country do its part to clean up the planet. However, it is not possible for each country to clean up alone. For example, some countries have international businesses that utilize the labor industry in that country. The international business will take advantage of the lack of environmental laws and dump toxins or practice crimes against the planet just to make a profit. The result is a polluted environment where the workers live and a fat bank account for the business. This practice is bad for the planet, keeps people in poverty, and contributes to health problems of the developing country. If each developed country took responsibility to help one developing country in positive ways without harming the welfare of the living things in that country, these sustainability development goals would be achievable.
Works cited:
"Sustainable Development Goals - United Nations." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. <>.