Synthetic biology is the latest trend that integrates biology with engineering. It deals with the making of biological molecules or systems that does not natural in the biological world. These molecules or system that are constructed, help to complement natural biological systems and help in performing particular biological task (Khalil and Collins 367-379). A simple example of synthetic biology would be manipulation of bacteria through recombinant technologies to produce recombinant protein. A vast number of applications are possible with synthetic biology. With the advancement that are currently happening in the area of bioinformatics, it is possible to reprogram human genetic and protein information. Bioinformatics has enabled design and reengineering of biological system to achieve novel goals. It enables genetic manipulation and selection. Engineering can use information provided by bioinformatics to synthesize organic molecules and engineer it to function in a living system. These synthetic molecules are engineered to mimic the function of natural molecule. The interventions made in the natural process had raised numerous ethical concerns. The thesis statement for this paper is: Applications of synthetic biology and associated ethical concerns.
Synthetic biology sees living organism as an assembly of different functional component that interact in a coordinated way to establish a certain function (Khalil and Collins 367-379). Synthetic scientists, make an inventory of these component and use chemical ingredient to synthesis these individual parts outside the living system (Khalil and Collins 367-379). Technology advancement over the decade has enabled cost reduction in the analysis and synthesis of biological components. It is now all set to be establish itself as an industrial process that can achieve productivity of biological parts at an affordable price (Lee et al. 556-563). Today, gene sequencing can be done at a price that can be afforded by many in a population. This is likely to increase the access of synthetic biology applications for use in day to day life (Caruso 1-14).
Today synthetic biology has become a discipline that receives a number of public and private funding’s and this is used to research and develop new designs and interventions. These private and public institutions that invest heavily on these technologies, are provided a claim on the benefits derived from the inventions (A. O'Malley et al. 57-65). The research, design and inventions are treated as intellectual properties and a number of approaches have evolved to ensure that the new product or the idea is not taken by another firm or individual to make profit, without permission. Synthetic biology application can be used to stimulate tissue repair, detect toxins, clean the pollutants in the environment, control pest, destroy cancer, generate fuel, restore organ function, and a myriad of other functions (Khalil and Collins 367-379).
Currently there are no clear guideline on the extent to which synthetic engineering research and inventions can be patented. A lot of dilemma exist with regard to patent of these concepts and components (A. O'Malley et al. 57-65). One of the ethical risk associated with synthetic biology application is its potential to be used in biological warfare and for other applications that can harm people. The extent to which patenting and intervention can be allowed is largely unacknowledged. The consequence of introducing synthetic biological components in the natural world is still unknown. The possibility of engineering errors resulting in an invention that can threaten life on this planet cannot be ignored. Horizontal gene transfer from synthetic organism can result in new diseases. The artificial genes introduced into the animal can move across species resulting unwanted consequences. Likewise, the mechanism by which organism will adapt to the introduction of a new gene is still unknown. For these reason, in many applications synthetic organism created by introduction of artificial gene and protein are made sterile. However, the effectiveness of this procedure is questioned by many researchers. Currently a number of arguments question the appropriateness of existing regulations in identifying the unique risk of a synthetic product to health and safety. Though the risk associated with synthetic biology are unintended by the researchers, there is currently no way to identify the long term risk. On the other hand, synthetic scientists argue that the existing regulations are sufficient to ensure that the products produced are safe and criticize the unnecessary negative perception towards synthetic biology. (Erickson, Singh and Winters 1254-1256)
In the essay titled, “Hacking the President’s DNA”, the authors Hessel, Goodman and Kotler, share the information about the secret operation of U.S government in collecting the DNA of world leaders (Hessel, Goodman and Kotler). Decoding the information in their DNA can give an information about the person and can be used to create personalized bioweapons that can either take down the person or trace them. This is a scary imaginative situation that is totally possible with synthetic biology application. Today we have personalized gene therapies for end stage cancer that is based on the information of the individual’s DNA and transcripts. There is a possibility that application of synthetic biology can go beyond curing a disease to creating a disease. There is presently no international body to look into how countries are using synthetic biology. Last year’s China experimented with creating designer babies using human embryo and this is banned in many other countries (Zolfagharifard).
In the essay title, “Hacking the President’s DNA” , the authors suggest many imaginative situation, yet situations that are totally probable to impose the risk associated with synthetic biology practices that are not scrutinized. They describe an imaginary situation where the girls called Samantha receive an envelope with a drug she orders online. But what was delivered to her was not a drug, but a harmful bioweapon that was hidden within the drug molecules. These scenarios suggest the consequences that people are just beginning to imagine. (Hessel, Goodman and Kotler)
The embryonic stem cell technology is an important controversial application of synthetic biology. The embryonic cells are totipotent and can be cultured in vitro and made to differentiate into tissue of interest. These tissues are later used for regenerative biology applications. The ethical concerns with isolating embryonic cells from the live embryo as it is done destroying the original embryo. De Gouveia, in her paper titled: “The Orphan Embryos: A Case Study in Bioethics”, discusses a case where a couple who approached the in-vitro fertilization clinic (de Gouveia 1-2). While eight eggs were fertilized in-vitro, only three were used for implantation into the uterus of the prospective mother. The unused embryo was disposed off for research purpose without the consent of the donor. Lack of clear legislation on the use and disposal of embryo was responsible for such a situation (de Gouveia 1-2). The ethical dilemma in this situation is disrespect for human life that is hidden in the live human embryo and the use of human embryo to finding cure for human diseases. In many cultures, embryo is given a moral status, and killing an embryo is equivalent to killing a person (Wert 672-682).
Today we are in the midst of bioengineering revolution. Human organs that are synthesized from the scratch using tissue engineering techniques, can be used to replace damaged organs in people who are in need. With this technology, it is possible to make an organ from the recipient’s own tissue and thus overcoming rejection by the immune system. Allison in her Wall Street Journal article, tells that scientists are close to engineering two dozen organs in the lab. If death rates were to go down and birth rates were to improve, how can earth handle the huge human population. Likewise, there is also hot debate concerning longevity and productive life years. Though medical technologies can increase life span, it is not correlated with productivity. If humans were to live up to 150 years, aided by synthetic biology, the burden on environmental resources will increase and lead to a number of social concerns. (Wert 672-682)
Conclusion: Synthetic biology applications are really a matter of joy for mankind battling with suffering from loss and diseases. Such technology holds the promise of improving health and longevity. Through synthetic biology provides many benefits, it also poses different threats that would could be unfathomable and unmanageable. The ethical concern in synthetic biology is with regards to the extent to which synthetic biology and its application can be regulated.
Work cited page
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