Throughout the ages, technology has greatly changed and evolved the world. It looks crazy though, that industry can cause such dramatic impacts on the lifestyle of the entire society. Of course we cannot deny its growth in power, dominance and advancement in our lives which has finally made it revolutionize our way of living. Important to note is that depending on its application and usage, technology can have both negative and positive effects.
Some of the positive effects of technology include the following; first, through technology, and particularly its power of offering ability to connect freely and stay in-touch, we appreciate the need to evolve our behaviors and processes to fit new realities and opportunities. Therefore, the idea of restricting the mobility of youngsters both off and online deters their ability to gain essential social skills. Secondly, technology enhances immediate, selective and ease in the act of sharing information with friends, colleagues, and family. The emergence of cloud computing, for instance, allows for extensive data sharing through avenues such as iCloud, Google sheets, and so on. Through this online information sharing, people reacting to technology at first sight are extending themselves into cyberspace, where they easily interact with any information that interests them. Thirdly, through the use of technology, changes in learning cognition and behavior provide more positive results. Individual internalization of data or information does not become an important aspect as information can be drawn from multiple online sources for synthesis and ease of quick decision making.
However, with technology, come some negative effects in our lifestyles. For instance, love for and addiction to the use of technology results in the decline in deep engagement and thinking, and face-to-face skills necessary for our social relations. For instance, in their articles, Martino, Bilton, Louis CK, all show and make strong arguments that spending more time with technological gadgets such as iPads, iPhones, tablets, etc, have the power of isolating and preventing us from developing essential communication skills. As such technology makes individuals lose their personal interaction in some parts of their common day-to-day social interactions. As Dr. Small abbreviates in Nick Bilton article " The Child, the Tablet and the Developing Mind", that, “the brain is highly sensitive to stimuli, like iPods and smartphones screens. Therefore, if people spend too much time with one technology, and less time interacting with people like parents at the dinner table, the development of certain communications skills become hindered".
One of the most negative aspects of technology that concerns most parents is its ability to snatch empathy from people. As pointed aired out by Louis C. K while sharing his discontent in the manner in which cell phones dominate people’s lives to the extent where they feel little in the absence of glowing screens. Science is equally in agreement with Louis in that youngsters require human interaction to earn empathy. Addiction to glowing screens hinders the developments of such emotional virtues. Louis further argues that kids have become mean, alluding to the fact that they could be testing things to see how they respond. Contrary to face-to-face interaction, screens do not invite the actual situation where people can feel complete sadness or happiness.
The empathetic aspect of human nature draws the concern whether technology has a negative or positive influence on younger generations. As can be seen all over, whenever you visit any common places, such as coffe shops, restaurants, bars, offices, and bus stations, you will see how easy people get connected to each other using various electronic devices. The first concern about this predominant behavior is wether it has made face to face interaction and communication nonimportant. This concern might be true in many ways; making the world a place where technology gives no alternatives other than just text and use of social networks in forming new ways of interacting with each other. It is for this reason why people in this era have become more robotic, without sense of feelings, and thus, not having any regrets when something bad happens to any other person close to them. They have lost the sense of empathy and care about nothing else other than their own world of digital dementia.
Nevertheless, not all these gadgets have adverse effects; there are a lot of positive outcomes towards having a digital or technology syndrome. It’s like a soccer game, we need to practice to get physically fit and do well during games. If we train specifically in one thing, we get better at doing just that, and then we get specialized in that. In the article “Mind over Mass Media" by Steven Pinker, "he explains that accomplished people do not bulk up their brains with intellectual calisthenics, exercises; they immerse themselves in their fields. Novelist read lots of novels, scientists read lots of science". That is why we need to control ourselves and the given time to our children to explore digital screen. We know that the future generation will be empowered and as such, will maneuver using computerized machinery, so the more we instruct the new generation to control themselves acquiring knowledge about technology, the more they will be ready when the time frame changes shortly.
Our world depends on our ability to make it suitable and ready for us to live in. The same concept applies to technology and therefore, we need to teach our younger generation not to loose otherwise the interaction exhibited by face to face in spite of technological advancements. Imagine the world without technology? Think about two scenarios; one world with advanced technology in today's world and the other without technology in general. As we can reflect, the contemporary world makes our life easier in every aspect of life. Technology provides us with clean water, cars, gadgets to make our jobs easier and not to get overwhelmed at work. As humans, we do tend to get used to an item for a reason. Technology makes life easier, and younger generations are learning from it. In the future, the world will be all digitalized, and younger generations will be fascinated with it.
In summary, technology offers a very positive way of learning. As discussed above, not all aspects are positive, but we can devise ways of maneuvering about them to protect this precious advancement in the name of technology. Fortunately, all these technologies are helping us in ways that of controlling, finding, and acquiring knowledge in different magnitudes. Technology is used equally, helping us to enhance the apprentice experience available in any other field where it is set. We know that there are lots of thoughts, ideas and views about the issue. We just can not live without it because it has increased our way and quality of living and without it, our life will become isolated, basic, dificult and probably dangerous. Many people have different opinions, negative and positive about technology being used by younger generations, however, even professors, scientists, parents and psychologists find that it is beneficial to our children as long as it is used in a very modest and correct manner.
Free Technology For Future Generations Essay Example
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Technology, People, World, Face, Life, Skills, Information, Interaction
Pages: 4
Words: 1200
Published: 03/08/2023
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