Recently opening in cinemas of North America and all over the world, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, directed by Mark Webb, follows the events of 2012 reboot as Peter Parker, played by Andrew Garfield, struggles to combine a life of soon-to-be school graduate and sharp-tongued friendly neighbor/city protector Spider-Man. But that is not it – Peter begins to waver about the relationships with his girlfriend Gwen Stacy, played by Emma Stone; Peter had sworn to her dying father they would stop seeing each other to avoid putting her into danger. As Peter’s old friend Harry Osborn (played by Dane DeHaan) returns to New York to head Oscorp Company due to his father’s death, and an accident in Oscorp’s lab, events start to shape up in what seems to be Spider-Man’s most dangerous challenge, that involves coping with the truth about his parents.
Film’s premise definitely promises a lot – including three villains Spider-Man has to face. But after Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3, one would be very skeptic when heading to the nearest cinema (if he would at all). Fortunately, the movie manages to cope with everything it planned, not only shining in most of its aspects, but laying a path for future films. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 combines action, unhackneyed romantic comedy with incredible chemistry between Garfield and Stone (Mark Webb directed not only because of his last name), drama, and comedy. Along with three villains and a subplot about Peter’s parents, the film is so loaded with events, that in the end you wonder how the writers managed to make it so consistent, with everything in its place. Even in some scenes, when you think the climax is already behind, the film takes you by surprise. Going back to actors, Dane Haan is continuing his march towards the part of Bond’s villain; he is absolutely brilliant in his malevolence. Jamie Foxx does his job, but the material seems too simple for him. Eventually, what is so great about this film is that, among all the fuss, it does not forget to be what a hero movie needs to be – a good-hearted tale about giving hope.
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