The film Big Fish is a story about Edward Bloom, a man who constantly finds magic in his life. Edward has told wonderful stories about his life to his son, who feels annoyed because they are unrealistic. When Ed Bloom is dying a conventional death in a hospital, his son finally understands the importance of storytelling. His father asks him to narrate his death and he realizes he can paint a better picture than the one they´re in. It would even be better to remember his story instead of the way things actually happened.
This film reminds us to look for details in life, to exalt the mystery and uniqueness of every moment. The story of our life is made up only of memories; therefore, it can be a wonderful story if we choose to focus our attention in what makes it beautiful and grandiose. We should always keep an open heart when listening to people, because what they say when they tell us something is much more than what their words mean. When someone tells us a story about something they are letting us know what’s important to them, what lessons they have learned and hold to be true, and what wounds they still carry around.
Storytelling is an effective way to communicate important messages because it engages the listener in the trama, and the story works as an example of the given message. The listener finds himself captivated and relating to certain characters, therefore being emotionally engaged, which is fundamental to internalize a lesson.
Big Fish. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, and Jessica Lange. Columbia Pictures, 2003. Film.