The modern world is treating women within the light of same social and culture standards that ancient Romans and Greeks used many centuries ago. The means of doing so changed, but the core idea remained the same even after superficial modernization had taken place in the world. The organizations such as United Nations are raising their voices in order to support equal human rights for everyone, but their efforts in this regard are majorly going to waste. The key psychological beliefs in males that give them cause to believe in their legitimate lead over the ladies. The historical and time-honored stereotypes about the women are falling apart, but still they are strong enough to make the lives of working women miserable in all parts of the world regardless of their stage of economic and social development. Additionally, the females are bravely fighting in order to earn respect in the cultures. However, their images are being degraded by promotion of the sexualized image of the women in the artificial world of media. The era of Great Depression motivated entrepreneurs of that time to engage women professionally so that labor shortage can be managed. The male population of that period was not large enough to fulfill labor demands that were created due to strongly growing and expanding economies of Europe and America. The professional engagement of women in the featured historical context was backed up by development of daycare industry that took care of the children while, their mothers serve the economic needs of the businesses.
The females were considered unskilled in terms of doing technical work, and therefore, they had to play the painful role of casual labor. The working conditions were not even humane, and the pay was low. However, the females survived those days in order to witness betterment in the future. The future unveiled itself in the most horrifying way that one can imagine. As soon as the times of the depression went away, the corporate sector of the developed nations threw females out of the system because they no longer needed them due to stable labor demand. Furthermore, the females did not find suitable and respectable jobs in the market, and therefore, they had to do jobs of delivery girls. Some of them had the misfortune of working at bars as well. Within no time, the early 1990s witnessed a development of a brutal industry that took simplistic women, and transformed them into sexualized commodities. The business of prostitution was very good in the featured timeframe. The males liked women to be humiliated onscreen in order to have amusement and enjoyment.
The advent of internet technologies has taken the industry to a next level, and made it into a globalized business. The psychological and social ramifications of such commercial activities are overwhelming to say the least. The massages given by current media practices aggravated the belief of supremacy in the males, and they wanted to recreate scenes of sex movies in order to have a satisfying sexual experience. On the other hand, females are blending in with their new social role well enough. The highly paid jobs offered by pornographic industry attract girls from all over the world. They justify their consented participation in the most inhumane practice possible on the basis of economic benefits that they reap after getting abused on camera. Major percentage of performers in the industry come in so that they can generate income, but with the passage of time, they develop an addiction for the cheap fame, and they grow fond of the physical pleasures that the industry has to offer. In this way, females are violated by their own will and wish, and they do not remain aware of the fact that they are losing their respect in order to have money. The professional career of performer in the porn industry is only good in the short-run because once one loses her good looks and youth then, the producers do not want to shoot her because she does not appear pretty on the camera anymore. The discarded girls have to live worst possible lives on the face of Earth when their money runs out. The previous generations of performers invested in themselves by furthering their education, and they left the profession upon finding appropriate jobs elsewhere.
However, the next generation of porn performers is looking to have a sustainable relation with the industry, but that is just not going to happen. The question about legitimacy of pornographic industry is baseless because one cannot justify its practices by any means. The women working in the industry are sexual slaves in the refined forms. One cannot pay someone in order to have the right to violate her, and therefore, the economic school of thought must not use the factor of fiscal benefit in order to support the existence of the industry that sells naked bodies so that it can make a profit. The audience must bear the reality in mind that porn is a business, and it will ruin the social, ethical, and economic climate of the world to keep going. The directors are forcibly asked to bring constant innovation by introducing new types of porn so that the viewers continue watch the grabbled imageries of human bodies whereas, the companies keep on making money as a result of each click on their sites. The purpose of this paper is to suggest changes in the global economic system that can help the females in finding proper jobs. They have proven their worth as professionals in different fields including business, sports, and technology. The modern woman is not at all less than the man of the current period, and the society needs to see that. Parents have to train their kids regarding development of psychological resistance against their urge to consume pornographic material. The youngsters have to have proper socialization experience that will help them in the process of having normal sex drive in the future.
This paper highlighted the prevalent practices of media that are demoting the image of the women in order to make a profit. The modern advertisement industry is also supporting the perforation of pornographic image of the females. Additionally, the artists have to work hard with the reference to the need to have more creativity in the works so that they can sell due to quality of genuine nature. The sexuality is the strong part of female’s personality, but it has to be defined in conjuncture with other aspects of her personality domain. However, the media is failing to integrate other powerful attributes of females, and their sexual identity is magnified improperly. The world has to prepare itself to treat the women in a respectable way so that they can do their natural jobs of upbringing children in an effective manner. They have proven their worth as legitimate leaders in a wide range of areas. The pornographic image of the female should be fought by running public awareness campaigns. The youngsters need to have special education in this regard. The teachers along with parents have to step forward in order to put their due effort against the demon of porn.
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