The range of art described as among those that is broad and difficult to pin down pointing out what constitutes art The question of what constitutes art, therefore, have puzzled many not only in the past, but present times, as well. The main reason given behind these challenges is the purpose, objective and goals that artistic products display to their audience and viewers, and also the broad interpretations that single products can generate including contrasting opinions. In most of the times, artistic products display and convey messages relating to the developments in the society. The range of art, therefore, has provided many broader categories to be included in defining components so of art such as sculptures, paintings, drawings, decorations, music and sketches among other that has had displayed varied themes and messages to the audience of such products. The most fundamental issue relating to art has been information in terms of styles, techniques and themes displayed by an artistic product. Art has also allowed the use of mixed materials and in these cases it is easy for find same pieces of art produced from different materials but all displaying the same information and purpose as was originally intended by the artists.
Artistic products in many exhibitions and galleries are labeled to aid the audience with information relating to the piece such as the dates, times and artists who made such products. It has proved to be helpful to the audience and viewers of such products as it allows theme to easily relate to other features that existed or were made during that time. For instance, the audience can tell the styles and techniques that dominated particular eras in production of artistic products. It, therefore, makes it easy to relate and note the varied developments and changes that have transpired in the industry of art including introduction of new styles and materials among other elements in the art field. However, for some artistic products especially those made in the ancient times, there has been no clear cut information regarding the exact dates and information about the pieces. Therefore, approximation of the dates that such pieces made is used in labeling the pieces and this information, therefore, has remained questionable in terms of accuracy re-laid. Various pieces have displayed varied approximate dates and times and this has left the audience and viewers of such pieces confused.
Art since the ancient times has majorly focused and displayed themes that occur in a society that touch on cultural, historical, political, economic and religious in some instances among many themes that transpire in the society. The mixed messages displayed by artistic features displayed across many generations besides producing the aesthetic values that add to the beauty noted in the environment. The advantages that art bring, therefore, has made it exciting for me over the subject.
Artistic features and products, therefore, have to have the potential to display and communicate to the viewer. The quality of such products should be high that incorporates the various techniques and styles of art making it easier for the audience to interpret and analyze messages and theme with ease. The question of what constitutes art should, therefore, get broadened and newer pieces of products can be included provided they can fulfill the primary responsibility as well as objectives of art. There is increased innovation and invention in the recent times and pieces that were viewed and not categorized as art in the past can be used in the current times to display artistic features and products due to the improved and advanced technology that is available. The main goal should, therefore, remain the information being displayed by the pieces produced and the window should not be limited to only pieces that have dominated the filled with art in the past. It is also imperative to note that resources are scarce and, therefore, creativity and innovation might result to set alternatives.
Art displayed at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (AGGV) includes pieces that were not classified as art in the past such as textiles. The distinction that secluded such pieces and materials used in the production of art has to be changed and the field expanded due to the many pieces displayed using the isolated pieces and materials noted in the exhibition. Opening up of art to include more pieces and materials will allow more artistic products to be displayed and featured. It broadens and expands the industry not only for viewers, but also artists to improve and increase their chances of gaining economically and increasing the number of people who access artistic products. More varied pieces that define art also increases the range of choice for consumers of artistic products and this raises the quality and increases competition leading to quality work and products of art.
Looking art in person as experienced from the Gallery presents a clearer and elaborate view as the pieces displayed in real time showing their measurements and size making it easier for the audience to examine and get the mixed messages displayed by the pieces. From the many pieces displayed in the gallery, the balance of color used made and presented varied themes from the pieces as the technique was well done in most of the pieces at display. Other artistic features such as paintings, drawings and sculptures would be good if displayed at the gallery. My favorite piece was living in an island (1984) because of the great balance and use of color that has displayed the theme with ease to the audience. A balanced use of bright and light color has the object in the piece clearly viewed making the image a bright piece. My least favorite picture was Island in color (1986). It is because it used only dull colors and similar and related colors making it challenging for the viewers to analyze and interpret the themes displayed by the piece.