Education is a form of learning in which knowledge habits and skills of groups individuals is transferred from one person to the other inform of teaching, training and research. It takes place under the guidance of teachers and trainers, an experience that is formative on one way of thinking is considered education. It is divided into the following categories pre-school, primary, secondary, and tertiary school which includes university and colleges. This paper seeks to discuss the observation and its impacts, how learning can be enhanced on student. While tackling the paper one should consider parenting, society, races and technology among others.
In order for learning to take place students should observe the following are ways to observed; the classroom observation is either formal or informal teaching while one is in a class setting or any learning environment. It is mainly done by teachers, tutors or administrators. Classroom observation maybe referred as teacher’s observation, since many things are conducted for a period. The note used in observing students are recorded or written to describe what observers are looking for and the feedback. Classroom observation is considered job performance evaluation since it is conducted for a purpose and it is commonly used.
The second one is lesson observation and it is done within a period in the classroom, the teacher is to prepare or pre-plan the lesson and observer seats in class for the period then makes a judgment on the effectiveness of the teaching and learning to take place in class. It has enabled observers to take specific subjects to base their judgment in the classroom, and it takes a longer time perhaps longer than a normal lesson since they spend time in each class. Observer used to record aspects of the lesson and make judgments.
The next is the institution or school observation is done in the institution of learning. The school or institution may develop a different system of education that suits them at a certain point their development. Evaluation should match the skills and capacity of the administrators. It is also very important to consider the methods used in self-evolution, like what has impacted the recent changes in the system observations. How does the school observe lessons and do the changes encourage the school to review their process? The school is also supposed to use these observations analyze pattern in strength and weakness among staff members.
Education as a whole has impacted the society; technology, races, home and ethnicity in many ways take for instance technology. It has played a significant role in improving access to education for individuals living poor areas and developing countries. It has lead to the development of infrastructures that the disadvantaged can use to access educational materials. Gargets like computers, laptops, were invented specifically because of education. There is also an e-learning that was developed for people who want to acquire education, but are far away from the institution of their choice. It has also led to the development of communication satellite that provides materials of education to reach other countries.
Through education people interact from different countries and get to know the culture from different corners of the continent. It helps the countries grow especially those that offer education of the international platforms like USA, UK and India just to name a few economically. The people visiting the country to search for education may decide to take citizenship and work and pay taxes that in turn grow the economy. Parent can also impact their children education by early exposure to materials of learning at home that will encourage or even grow their curiosity to know more.
For students to learn properly there should be a way employed to enhance their learning that is as follows. Student and instructor contact; this is important since it motivates the student to get involved in the lesson. Instructors concern helps students get through rough times and to keep on working. They should share their experience and values, try to get to know students by names in a classroom they teach. Encourage student cooperation among one another; learning is term work and it should be collaborative and social not isolated and competitive. Ask students to share their academic interests and ask them prepare for their exams through group discussions.
Active learning is important since it helps in memorization of assignment. Students should be able to talk about what they leant in class, present their work in class and encourage the use of journal. They should also give prompt feedback like returning their exams promptly maybe after a period of a week, prepare exercises that give them immediate feedback and arrange brief meetings to discuss progress they are making. Teachers should put emphasize on time on task, this helps students to utilize their time productively; there should be no substitute for time on task.
Communication is the key to everything including education and for learning to take place communicating high expectation is obvious. For students to perform well instructors should hold high expectations for them and put extra efforts. Finally, teachers and students should respect talents and ways of learning, people bring different ways of learning so long as at the end of the lesson the student have understood what is being taught. Education is an important tool in the world used to change many different things as culture, technology, social interactions and even the economy. Therefore, one can proudly say that education is the most powerful tool to change the world.
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